Never Mishire Again: Here are the five steps to find, hire and keep only the right people for your business. The 20% that will generate 80% of your results.
1. Be the kind of person/business that top performers want to be associated with.
• Be likable
• Be trustworthy
• Be competent
2. Know your Market – Know who your target audience is – first and foremost your best employees. What characteristics does your desired employee exhibit? Where do they come from?
3. Create your Message – What makes you appealing to your audience? Once you have a good picture or profile of what your target employee looks like, then create the message. What makes you unique? What are the benefits for this target audience, of working with you? What do they want to hear that is true of you?
4. Choose your Media – Once you know these things, you can now determine the best media outlet to use to reach them.
Where do they hang out? Where do they go to get their information? Where is the best place to reach them?.
To market and sell your business as the place they want to be employed, the very first thing you must do is to clarify who your ideal employee is, where to find them, what their challenges are, etc…Every marketing piece must know what your ideal employees and potential employees “hot buttons” are – what’s important and/or relevant to them. Once you find who your target audience truly is then you can know what those hot buttons are and how to get their attention.
Never forget the following principle:
You are better off running a weak ad to the right audience than you are running a strong ad to the wrong audience.
5. Keep them.
• Be more like a coach than a manager.
• Provide them with opportunities to be rewarded appropriately.
• Lead by principles not rules. Every rule has an exception, principles do not.
There are 6 major components to knowing your best people [Target Employee].
In some cases, you will need to survey or have conversations with existing employees to accurately identify your target audience. Good results come from good people. To gain more influence, identify the similarities within your target audience and work from there. Lead by walking around [LBWA] is the best way to initiate this dialogue.
• Sources of Information: Where does your target employee get their
• Demographic information: Where do your best people come from?
• Psychographic information: Why do they choose to work with you?
• Worldview: How do they view the world? What is their source of truth? Our decision-making process is influenced first by the way we think.
There are too many other things to worry about in your business without having to worry that your worldview is going to offend one of your employees and set them off in a negative and destructive way.
• What are their goals or values? What are their challenges and pain points or desires? What are they looking for regarding employment that you can offer?
• Objections: Why would someone choose not to work for you or your business?
All great companies and their leaders take recruiting the right people as their primary responsibility.
Never Mishire Again by following these 5 steps.