Everyone has a worldview; it helps us to form our thoughts, our values and make the decisions we make.
According to Barna Research, 83% of American adults claim to be Christian but upon further digging, George Barna discovered a disturbing reality: Only 8% of these “professing christians” have a Biblical Worldview and worse yet, and the real reason the church has lost its influence on the culture, only about half the Christian leaders have a Christian Biblical Worldview.
Listen, we need worship, prayer, fellowship, Bible study, and evangelizing, but if our clergy, our churches continue to ignore their responsibility to redeem the culture, Christianity will continue to be marginalized and eventually relegated to private small group (illegal) gatherings; not dissimilar to any other “progressive”, “communist”, “socialist”, “marxist” nation.
The churches biggest failure of the past 70 or so years has been the failure to see Christianity as a life system, or worldview, that governs every area of our lives.
Only when the Church realizes that the final hope of redeeming the culture is to recognize the battle now is principle against Principle, worldview against Worldview.
Only then can we effectively evangelize a culture that now lives by a lie.
Evangelizing the gospel and helping to renew the culture are both ordained duties of The Way – True Christianity.
Real, True Christianity offers the only strategy to live in harmony with our world.
Far too many of our clergy and the churches they lead have been more influenced by culture than their influencing the culture they and their flock live in.
This is why we are in the situation we currently find ourselves – a citizenry that has been influenced by Marxist Progressive Leftism.
This worldview of Satan controls completely, two of the three major institutions of influence – public education and media (news, entertainment, literature, music, etc.)
And, unfortunately, this satanic worldview now preaches from the pulpit of far too many of our churches as well. They preach what they call Progressive Theology.
How do you recognize if you belong to one of these churches?
In her book “Another Gospel?” Author Alisa Childers gives the following description of progressive churches:
“Progressive christians” tend to avoid absolutes.
They view the Bible as primarily a human book and emphasize conscience and practices rather than certainty and beliefs.
They also tend to redefine, reinterpret or even reject essential doctrines of faith like the Virgin Birth, the deity of Jesus, and His bodily resurrection.”
Warning Signs to Look for to determine if your church is a progressive theology church:
In addition to the watering down of the gospel and leaning into every social justice narrative like Racial Injustice & Black Lives Matter, Political correctness, Climate Change, Critical Theory, Illegal Immigration, etc., they also are:
– an open advocate of homosexuality and gay marriage.
– take a liberal stand on abortion
– allow for the ordination of both men and women, including non-celibate homosexuals
– do not teach that Scripture is inerrant
– teach that the Bible is not to be taken literally
If we are going to make sense of our world, we must study worldviews.
Only the Biblical Worldview gives us a way to understand both the physical and moral order of things.
Only a Biblical Worldview covers all areas of life and thought.
Only a Christian Biblical Worldview offers a way to live in alignment with the real world.