4 Things Every Client wants

Here are the 4 things every client wants and effective marketing is essential to letting the world know you offer them.

Price – Product or Service – Customer Service – Lifetime Relationship

Price: The great thing about being a Principle Centered business is that when you adhere to all of our Principles, you don’t have to be the lowest price…just provide a fair price.

Product or Service: Clients buy solutions to problems. If they are in need of a drill bit for a ¼” hole and you are a chiropractor, obviously you aren’t even on their radar.

But if you are one of a hundred hardware stores in their market area, then in order to get their business, you need to be proactive in building and maintaining that relationship where they view you as their trusted adviser for all of their hardware needs.

The more you understand their needs, the better you can serve them and the more valuable you become.
The more you understand them, the better you can anticipate their needs.

Customer Service: I want to do business with an auto repair shop that knows my driving habits and my vehicle so well, that he can anticipate my maintenance requirements, he knows the the idiosyncrasies of my particular make/model to anticipate a problem before it arises.

What are the biggest fears of having to buy a new or used automobile? Getting ripped off on price and what if something goes wrong with my car after purchase? This is especially true for used cars.

According to Stephen Covey in his book “The 3rd Alternative” there is a car dealer in Utah who sells all of his new vehicles for just a few hundred dollars over cost. He then helps his customers sell their car during the next model year for roughly the same price they paid for it.

He does his research and only sells vehicles with the highest resale value.

Before retiring from the auto business, we went to a One Best Price business model on new cars and it worked quite well for us.

For used cars, it is extremely easy to stand out from the crowd and NOT have to fight the “price war.”

Once we know what makes you unique (USP), and what the Lifetime Value (LTV) is of your customer base, and we help you create your Risk Free Guarantee, you will DOMINATE your market.

Knowing your audience is essential.
Our 50 Question Discovery Process helps you with that.

Finally a relationship based on High Trust is what creates a Lifetime Relationship: Your clients want someone whose judgement they trust.

I have a simple formula for trust.
Trust = Competence plus Character.

Clients want a trusted adviser they can rely on. Someone who has demonstrated a competence in their field and has the character to do what they say they are going to do.

Learn more at  When Trust Is High

Any business that can provide all four of these will DOMINATE their market.

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