Optimism is not Hope

David v GoliathTrue Christians need to understand the difference between Christian optimism and Christian hope.

Despair and optimism are too often treated as different sides of the same coin.

The issue is both promote inaction. One out of a sense of helplessness and the other out of ignorance.

It is also why the doctrine of unlimited submission taught by too many in the church is not only wrong but destructive.

One of my favorite authors of the last several years is Rod Dreher, who wrote Live Not by Lies.

He has often been accused of being a pessimist, but he responds by saying “I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but I am hopeful.”

Optimism is the belief that everything will always turn out for the best if we just all sit tight and wait.

Christian hope however is realistic. Because Christianity above all else is a worldview, the only worldview of reality. It understands that things are not the way they are supposed to be and that this world is not our home and so we should not expect it to provide us the comfort of home.

That is not to say we should not be grateful for what we have been given in this world.

But it does mean that when things go wrong and it appears the enemy is winning, I must not despair but must work to the best of my ability to right such wrongs.

Even David, after kneeling in prayer, stood up, picked up a rock, and proceeded to defeat Goliath.

Our current world seems to be entering a darkly chaotic and uncharted era. But, if we who call ourselves true Christians, children of God, give up in despair, then who will battle the evilness spreading across our land?

We need to never stop preparing ourselves for battle by staying informed, maintaining a passion for truth and the courage to stand up for that truth, knowing what we believe and why, and worshipping God worthy as true disciples.



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1913 The Year the Cabal Enslaved America

The Cabal

Before 1913, things were different. Although there may not have been TVs, the Internet, or other forms of pervasive technology, there was one thing that individuals had back then: complete financial freedom. Few people had to worry about loans or debt back then since money was worth an astronomically higher value than it is now.

I like studying history, especially American history, and a long time ago, I noticed a pattern and connected many of the dots.

1913 appeared to be a pivotal year in America’s history, and it was NOT a positive turn.

I kept asking myself – why?  Why did all this occur in one year? What was the underlying cause? Is this when the deep state (aka Globalist cabal) actually started infiltrating America in our political system, media, church, and academia? I believe so.

  • 16th Amendment gave power to Congress to levy and collect income taxes
  • 17th Amendment changed Senators from being chosen by state legislatures. Now, instead of being beholden only to their respective states, Senators are now beholden to getting re-elected and every and any lobbyist.
  • December 23, 1913 almost essentially in the middle of the night, the Federal Reserve Act was passed in Congress on an oral vote that gave the Federal Reserve the LICENSE to print money. Our Constitution prohibits Congress from printing money BUT not from borrowing it from a private corporation. (BTW the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation; a Super-private corporation and has NEVER been audited)
  • From 1923-1929 the Federal Reserve printed so much money it caused 62 % inflation and then it suddenly stopped printing causing the crash of 1929. What they print is “legal tender” NOT lawful money.

But this “coup” to destroy America started long before 1913.

In 1836, Andrew Jackson did away with America’s Central Bank.

For the next 75 years, America had zero inflation and no erosion in our purchasing power.

An ounce of gold was worth $18.93 to $18.94 throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. Woodrow Wilson then reestablished the Central Bank (Federal Reserve Act); since then, our purchasing power of the dollar is less than 2% of what it was. In other words, $1 today buys what 1-2 cents bought in 1910.

As a critical thinker and a student of history, prophecy and worldviews, especially a Biblical Worldview, it is easier for me to understand what is happening than most but still, I was never able to put my thoughts into articulate words until I came across this recent article.


Right now, today, we are in the most dangerous war in America’s history; hell, in the world’s history. And yet, the majority of people don’t yet realize it.

We’ve had generations gaslit by academia, media, and the majority of the church into believing it is our duty to submit to authority, even if that authority has proven time and again to be a liar, murderer, and a thief.

If we lose this war, we traditional, born-again, true Christians better pray the rapture is real and that it is pre-tribulation.

We better also start working much, much harder at bringing the people we love to true, lasting salvation.


1st: Andrew Jackson fought against the Central Bankers and nearly paid the price with his life as he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

2nd: John F Kennedy also fought against the central bankers and DID pay with his life.

3rd: Donald Trump has been fighting against the central bankers since before he took office and look at the price he is paying.

Anyone who still believes the world is not in the grasp of the One World Order cult is either:

  1. The ignorant: This group is ignorant of the facts either out of willful denial or just doesn’t know how to discern the truth. These are the people who don’t know how to think critically, observe and recognize patterns and connect the dots.
  2.  The cowards or fearful: this group knows
    or at least suspects something is wrong but lacks the courage to resist or speak out. This group would rather just go along to get along.
  3. Actual part of the evil.
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I’m not convinced Unlimited Submission is a Biblical Worldview.

Tyranny Vs LibertyUnlimited Submission IS NOT Biblical

Christians should do all they can to submit to the government (Romans 13:1-7).

However, the government does not have unfettered authority to control our lives.

We all face gray areas as believers, yes. But adopting a secular worldview, in whole or in part, is not “loving your neighbor.” Living as a courageous Christian who stands for the truth and extends an arm of love to others while never sacrificing the principles of God’s Word is what it means to “love your neighbor.”

If, for example, we lived in China, and we were under the “one-child” policy, we would have grounds for not following this policy. This worldview is directly contrary to Scripture’s teaching on the goodness of a home full of children (see Psalm 127 and 139). In such an instance, love of neighbor actually means standing against “Caesar” with a posture of gracious and controlled defiance.

For Christians, love of neighbor DOES NOT MEAN obeying the commands of false worldviews (Matthew 22:34-39).

For Christians, love of neighbor DOES MEAN you do what God commands, not what the world demands, and from that God-obeying stance, reach out to others in grace and truth.

The Great Commission and the Cultural Commission are Inseparable

 The scriptural justification for culture building begins in Genesis (V 1:26-28)

For five days, God created the world/universe we live in, then on the sixth day, He created man in His image and gave him/(us) dominion over creation [Genesis 1:26].

He commands us to carry on where He left off – the development of His creation will be our responsibility and it will be to “fill” and “subdue” the earth and that can only include both social and cultural means as well. (Gen 1:28)

At this point creation (before the Fall) is still “very good”. God gives the responsibility of creating civilization to the one who bears His image. We must further populate the planet by producing offspring, and we must further shape the environment and the culture by taming it.

Since Adam and Eve, each generation still bear children, builds families, and spread across the earth. We still tend animals and plant fields; we still construct cities and governments; we still make music and art.

Maybe we have lost our influence over the culture because the church has focused solely on the Great Commission of saving souls and has neglected to save/build the culture as well.

Salvation doesn’t mean simply freedom from sin; salvation should also mean being restored to the task we were given at the beginning of time – the task of creating and maintaining culture.

Every part of creation came from God’s hand. Redemption does not appear to be just for individuals but for all creation (Col 1:15-20).

The teaching seems to be clear; Christians are saved not only from something (sin) but also to something (Christ’s lordship over ALL of life).

We are meant to proceed to the Restoration of all God’s creation, which includes private and public virtue; individual and family life; education and community; work, politics, and law; science and medicine; literature, art, and music.

The goal of Redemption includes the sacred as well as the secular. We are to bring “all things” under Christ’s lordship in the home, school, work, corporate board rooms, movie screen, concert stage, city council, and legislative chambers.

Politics, the law, and art [all forms of media] are all part of the Cultural Commission or Mandate.

This is why EVERY Christian must have a comprehensive worldview that covers all aspects of reality and only a Biblical Worldview gives us that.

A Biblical Worldview insists that God’s laws govern ALL of God’s creation.


Source for these thoughts:

How Now Shall We Live by Chuck Colson

Unlimited Submission? By Dan Fisher


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The Great Commission and the Cultural Commission are Inseparable

Biblical worldviewIn a world already flooded with erroneous ideas, lies, and omissions, just telling people the truth isn’t enough. The world doesn’t just need to hear the truth, it needs to learn how to think with the truth. It needs to learn how to think accurately, and that means thinking Biblically.

Without the order of a Biblical Worldview, all you get is chaos.

To be an accurate thinker doesn’t require you to be a genius; you just have to be willing to be honest with yourself about the current reality and ask yourself challenging & interesting questions and be willing to struggle through the answers.

Today, those of us fighting this war on our culture and liberties tend to get discouraged because we are mistakenly placing too much hope just in short-term fixes.

Too many of us Christians mistakenly think that change will only come when we acquire some level of control – political or cultural.  We think in terms of all or nothing.

God has called some of us to high places, but He has called all of us to be faithful right where we are, in our own circle of influence.  We each have “our own personal mission field” and for the majority, that “field” is right in our own backyard.

Lies dominate our culture, but even though they do, TRUTH still exists. We as Christians are duty-bound to resist evil and speak only the truth.

We were given two great Biblical mandates and they are inseparable.

The Great Commission is the only one most Christians think about.

This is the command of Jesus to his followers to go into the world and make disciples of all nations and teach them to obey “everything I have told you”.  Matthew 28:18-20

The Great Commission involves three steps – evangelism, baptism, AND education.

 For the past 100+ years, many conservative Christians have shunned the idea of reforming culture and have instead focused solely on the Great Commission.

But is this implicit denial of a Christian/Biblical Worldview the reason we have lost our influence in the world?  Salvation doesn’t consist simply of freedom from sin; it also means being restored to the task we were originally given in the beginning – creating a culture that honors and worships the Creator.

The Cultural Commission: Genesis:  v 1:26 & v 1:28

For five days, God created the world/universe we live in, then on the sixth day, He created man in His image and gave him/(us) dominion over creation by ordering us to carry on where He leaves off: We are to reflect His image and to have dominion. [Genesis 1:26]. The development of His creation will be our responsibility and it will be to “fill the earth” through procreation and “subdue it.” From that moment on the development of creation will be primarily social and cultural: To fill and subdue the earth. (v 1:28)

Politics, the law, and art [all forms of media] are all part of the Cultural Commission.

The lesson we need to learn is that true Christians are saved not only from something [sin] but also to something [Christ’s lordship over all of life].

Only the Redeemed are filled with the Holy Spirit and can genuinely know and fulfill God’s plan.

Once redeemed, we are meant to move forward to Restoration, which includes both private and public virtue; personal and family life; education and community; work, politics, and law; science and medicine; literature, art, and music. We are called to bring ALL things under Christ’s lordship, in the home, school, the workplace, business, movie screen, theater, concert stage, school board, town, city and county council, and the legislative chamber.

Culture is a decidedly human phenomenon, arising out of our creation by God in His image and likeness. It is an essentially relational activity. We either build or we tear down, there is no middle ground.

“In every action we take, we are either helping to create hell on earth or helping to bring a foretaste of heaven. We are either contributing to the brokenness of the world or participating with God in transforming the world to reflect His righteousness. ” – How Now Shall We Live by Chuck Colson

 So, every time you nod your head to a lie, you are helping to create hell on earth.

 Our calling is not only to order our lives by divine principles but also to engage the world. We are to fulfill both the Great Commission and the Cultural Commission. 


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