When your worldview is wrong, EVERY decision you make is wrong

what is your worldviewEveryone has a worldview; it helps us to form our thoughts, our values and make the decisions we make.

According to Barna Research, 83% of American adults claim to be Christian but upon further digging, George Barna discovered a disturbing reality: Only 8% of these “professing christians” have a Biblical Worldview and worse yet, and the real reason the church has lost its influence on the culture, only about half the Christian leaders have a Christian Biblical Worldview.

Listen, we need worship, prayer, fellowship, Bible study, and evangelizing, but if our clergy, our churches continue to ignore their responsibility to redeem the culture, Christianity will continue to be marginalized and eventually relegated to private small group (illegal) gatherings; not dissimilar to any other “progressive”, “communist”, “socialist”, “marxist” nation.

The churches biggest failure of the past 70 or so years has been the failure to see Christianity as a life system, or worldview, that governs every area of our lives.

Only when the Church realizes that the final hope of redeeming the culture is to recognize the battle now is principle against Principle, worldview against Worldview.

Only then can we effectively evangelize a culture that now lives by a lie.

Evangelizing the gospel and helping to renew the culture are both ordained duties of The Way – True Christianity.

Real, True Christianity offers the only strategy to live in harmony with our world.

Far too many of our clergy and the churches they lead have been more influenced by culture than their influencing the culture they and their flock live in.

This is why we are in the situation we currently find ourselves – a citizenry that has been influenced by Marxist Progressive Leftism.

This worldview of Satan controls completely, two of the three major institutions of influence – public education and media (news, entertainment, literature, music, etc.)

And, unfortunately, this satanic worldview now preaches from the pulpit of far too many of our churches as well. They preach what they call Progressive Theology.

How do you recognize if you belong to one of these churches?

In her book “Another Gospel?” Author Alisa Childers gives the following description of progressive churches:

“Progressive christians” tend to avoid absolutes.

They view the Bible as primarily a human book and emphasize conscience and practices rather than certainty and beliefs.

They also tend to redefine, reinterpret or even reject essential doctrines of faith like the Virgin Birth, the deity of Jesus, and His bodily resurrection.”

Warning Signs to Look for to determine if your church is a progressive theology church:

In addition to the watering down of the gospel and leaning into every social justice narrative like Racial Injustice & Black Lives Matter, Political correctness, Climate Change, Critical Theory, Illegal Immigration, etc., they also are:

– an open advocate of homosexuality and gay marriage.

– take a liberal stand on abortion

– allow for the ordination of both men and women, including non-celibate homosexuals

– do not teach that Scripture is inerrant

– teach that the Bible is not to be taken literally

If we are going to make sense of our world, we must study worldviews.

Only the Biblical Worldview gives us a way to understand both the physical and moral order of things.

Only a Biblical Worldview covers all areas of life and thought.

Only a Christian Biblical Worldview offers a way to live in alignment with the real world.


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See, Judge, Act: What it means to be a Christian Dissident


In today’s world, having a Biblical Worldview is a prerequisite to being a Christian Dissident.

To See means to be awake to the reality going on around you.

To Judge is a command to discern soberly the meaning of those realities in light of what you know to be true; seeing in light of a Biblical Worldview.

Then to Act after you’ve reached a conclusion; act to resist the evil.

Born Again Christians are called to Live Not By Lies, but to Live only in Truth. We must be willing to live outside the mob, courageously defend truth, and be willing to endure the consequences.

Our duty is to never knowingly support lies!!

(Things like The Dark Art of Framing of Fake News media outlets; wolves in sheep’s clothing in our churches that teach progressive christianity and worshiping the wrong Jesus; Marxism in our schools that erase history, teach “revised” history and squelches free speech by using semantics as a weapon of deception and political correctness to shame and falsify language; social justice of the gay mafia, the racist bigotry of organizations like BLM or any other social justice propaganda that denies biblical truth;  )

We may have to live in this world of lies but we do not need to choose to allow the world to live in us.

Sometimes being a dissident means speaking up and sometimes it may mean keeping silent when you aren’t expected to.

As Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview we are the only ones equipped to See the world as it really is; Judge the meaning of those realities in light of what we know to be true based on the perspective of a Biblical Worldview; and then after you’ve reached a conclusion, Act appropriately to resist the evil present.  (Source: Live Not by Lies by Rod Dreher)

Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview don’t share our thoughts because we think it will change the minds of people who think differently than us. We share our thoughts to show people who already think like us that they’re not alone. We share so others might be encouraged to find their own Voice and consequently inspire others to find theirs.



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Simplify: Dig your well before you’re thirsty.

dig your well before thirstySimplify

How would you benefit by knowing, with absolute clarity, who your ideal customers and/or employees are, where they are, how you can reach them and what you need to say to them that sets you apart from your competitors.

Think about this: What would it feel like to have all of these things?
• Less unanticipated problems which will mean less headaches and less stress
• Consistently improving results which will mean consistently improving income and cash flow
• Relationships of trust with every employee, vendor, customer and client.
• Customized Simple Solutions that work for you. Every business and owner is unique.
• Personal 1-on-1 mentoring where you can rely on someone with Competence and Character to help you to ask the right questions, come up with the right solutions, to help you anticipate problems before they happen.

What would your life be like a year from now if you were achieving one of the following:
1. The same results you are now getting but with less time, effort and/or money invested on your part.
2. Better results with the same amount of time, effort and/or money invested on your part.
3. Better results with less time, effort and/or money invested on your part
4. You might choose to spend more in time, effort and/or money and absolutely DOMINATE your competition.

 The best way to accomplish this is to simplify your business – the principle of simplicity or 80/20.

That is not a simple thing to do nor is it easy and almost impossible to do on your own.

If it were easy, everyone would do it and it’s almost impossible to do from the inside. By that I mean it is very difficult to recognize, diagnose and prescribe solutions for yourself.

Simplification always looks obvious after it’s done…but never before.

It’s almost impossible to re-invent from the inside out, because a fish in water can’t see the water for what it is.

Most (ailing) organizations are not suffering because they cannot resolve their problems but because they cannot see their problems.” – John Gardner

Here are 3 Essential Questions you need answers to when creating a Simple Solution:

  1. Since every business, it’s culture and owner is UNIQUE  you need to ask: How do we treat every problem, person or situation as UNIQUE? Solutions, whether created from scratch or swiped from a “Best Practice” approach, have to be made to Fit the Culture and Structure of each individual organization. Solutions need to be tailored to the uniqueness of the problem, people and situation.
  2. To create the desired solution, what forward-thinking, 3rd alternative and purposeful Information do we need in order to create a future living solution?
  3. How can we think Structurally about the Solution?  In other words, how can we make sure that the solution we come up with fits into the current structure of the business – uses the same language, fits the culture, people, systems, worldview, etc…

The attitude that leads to breakthroughs in your business is: You want to become an expert in the solution rather than the in the problem.

A good business coach or consultant will help you to dig your well before you’re thirsty.    

Contact us right now before the fear of disrupting the status quo sets in.

Let us be what your competitors can’t afford on their own – your virtual marketing department.

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Narrow Vs Broad Way

Narrow Vs Broad WayHave you noticed that it’s always the road less traveled, the Narrow Path (Matthew 7:14) that leads to life?

Everyone chooses a path in life – one is the well-traveled road of the mob which always leads to the ho-hum of mediocrity (and even meanness & tyranny) and the other leads to some form of greatness and meaning.

The path to greatness is a sequential growth from the Inside out.

The narrow way is where you find your true identity, your own “voice” of uniqueness and in doing so you inspire others to find their own “voice”.

Those who take the narrow path to greatness and meaning rise above the mob mentality and CHOOSE to become their own creative force in their lives.

Our power to discover our own Voice lies in the potential of the gifts God gave all of us at birth.  Our birth-Gifts.

We are all born in the image of God our Creator with the aspiration To Live, To Love, To Learn, and To Leave a Legacy

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost.

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Live Life in Crescendo

Live Life in Crescendo


I think if you were to talk to my grown children, the most reassuring thing my wife and I shared with them when they were young was “Today is the first day of the rest of your lives; today is a do-over.”

One of my favorite shows is Blue Blood with Tom Selleck. He gave similar advice to his children when things seemed tough, “It’s what you do next that matters.”

The most important work you will ever do is always ahead of you.

Crescendo is a musical term. It means to play with ever greater energy and volume, with strength and striving.

No matter your age or position in life, if you live according to the principles of a Biblical Worldview you are never finished contributing because your worldview will be accurate and complete.


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Raising Responsible Adult Citizens

Raising Responsible AdultsRaising responsible, mature adults should be the desired end result of all parents.

Three Characteristics of Maturity:

  • Self-control – not ruled by emotions and passion
  • Wisdom – rational
  • Responsible – 1st Habit of Private Victory of Highly Effective People

Liberalism is the natural characteristic of the human heart. It is the natural result of our fallen nature.

From birth, we are driven by emotion and passion.

We want what we want when we want it and we refuse things we do not want.

Children start off with the will to be gratified; we need to be taught self-control, wisdom, and responsibility.

“The emotional intelligence of parents today is depriving children the opportunity to learn through adversity. Most adolescents from affluent families have all the useful accessories – cell phones, credit cards, computers, and cars – but they have few of the responsibilities that build character…indulged children become susceptible to self-absorption, depression, anxiety and lack of self-control.” – Ed Shipman

Ten principles for shaping our children’s character and grooming them with self-control, wisdom, and responsibility:

1. Children must be helped, through proper training, to rein in their passions.

Children start off life with the will to be gratified. If that will is allowed to go unchecked, a child will grow up to be ruled by his passions rather than reason. A person ruled by his or her passions will then make decisions based on what gratifies them rather than on wisdom or responsibility. Such a person will not be governed by objective logic or personal integrity, but by what is merely expedient.

To prevent that from happening, the primary goal of parental training must be to help children learn self-control.

The military learned long ago that the best followers make the best leaders – group consensus destroys effectiveness.

Children, because of their innate desire for gratification, do not need to exercise leadership, but to follow strong leadership. This is why, for the first few years of their lives, we must offer strong leadership, giving them little say in the decisions we make for them.

Children raised to think they should have a say in all decisions that affect them grow up self-centered, demanding, impatient and ungrateful.

Parents who encourage their child to always speak his mind may never have to second-guess his opinions but they inadvertently feed his contempt for authority.

As our children head into adolescence it certainly may be wise to solicit thoughts and opinions from them. After all, we love them and they are people who deserve the respect of having their thoughts and feelings heard but, the family is not a democracy.

Childhood is a season of learning to accept leadership with grace and humility.

2.  Children’s happiness must not be the driving force of the home.

Watching children laugh and play is a tremendous joy, even for the biggest curmudgeon however, we must not live to gratify our children’s every desire and make our decisions based on their responses.

The happiest children seem to be those who are secure in their parents’ LOVING authority.

They obey the first time they are spoken to and know they will be rewarded with the trust of their parents and be held accountable with disciplinary consequences if they obey.

They are happy because they have found safety within the boundaries established and enforced. They are at peace because they do not have to carry the load of helping their parents run the home.

3. Children must not be indulged.

Indulging our children with everything for which they cry, beg or pout does NOT satisfy their will-to-be-gratified – it actually does just the opposite.

Indulging them includes things like buying them every new fashion-wear, video game or getting them a cell phone with unlimited minutes.

We indulge them when we offer freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want, with minimal accountability or when we permit them to talk back and voice their opinions about every instruction they receive. And we inflate their sense of self-importance when we make family decisions based not on what we think is wisest or best, but on their moods and reactions. An indulged child ultimately runs the roost. Constantly gratifying our child’s desire for pleasure creates in them a sense of entitlement and a general lack of appreciation.

The truth is that life does not give us everything we want and we better instill that early in our child’s training.

4. Children must not be rescued from every hardship.

When our children are infants we listen for their cries to know when they are suffering some discomfort and need our attention.

The problem is that too many parents never distinguish the difference between their will-to-survive and their will-to-be-gratified as they get older. They continue to rescue them every time they pout, cry or grumble.

Examples of rescuing are when we permit them to complain ungratefully about what they have been served for dinner, or worse, mom goes back to the stove to cook them something different. Or, jumping in to provide entertainment in response to the complaint of being bored.

Whenever their feelings are hurt, we do them no favor by rushing to their defense by attacking the offender.

However, we DO harm them ourselves if we do not teach them how to endure offenses and handle the inevitable “difficult people” in life. We must model for them that other people’s words or opinions of us need not determine how we react. If we are not careful, we will raise our children to be thin-skinned social wimps who blame others for their own inability to handle offenses.

Learning to face and overcome life’s hardships is a key part of developing maturity.

5. Children must be allowed to suffer the consequences of their actions.

When we continually rescue them from having to suffer the consequences of their actions, we keep them from developing a proper sense of responsibility.

Responsible people are not only reliable to their duties but do not depend upon others to clean up their messes or pay for their own obligations.

Restoration and restitution are key expressions of responsibility.

If we do not hold our children accountable for themselves but rescue them from the consequences of their actions, they grow up to believe that the pursuit of pleasure without consequences is their supreme right. They develop a “victim” mentality, thinking they are not responsible for the circumstances they have brought upon themselves.

Parents also teach irresponsibility by issuing too many warnings or reinforcing bad behavior. When a child is caught sneaking dessert before dinner, parents encourage bad behavior by merely admonishing him not to do it again and allowing him to finish eating what he took. This is no different than what is happening in many of our public educations schools today of the teacher permitting students to turn in assignments past the due date without any penalty.

Consistently allowing children to behave irresponsibly without consequence encourages future misconduct.

6. Children must be required to obey the first time they are spoken to.

An important key to remember is that parents must give directives just once.

Parental directives must be spoken calmly and only once, with an appropriate disciplinary consequence for disobedience.

When an authority figure habitually repeats directives or gives multiple warnings, it produces several negative side effects in our children.

  • Children permitted to continually disregard instructions grow up with their will-to-be-gratified strengthened.
  • Children consistently permitted to disregard their parent’s voices will lack the capacity to obey quickly at the threat of danger.
  • Those that have authority but are reluctant to exercise it, foster disrespect in those they lead. Parents who lose their children’s respect can often trace it back to this.
  • When parents repeat themselves, their anger may build until they are driven by rage to bring punishment. Raging parents can be tempted toward abusive parenting.

7. Children must be taught to obey without always knowing the reason why.

If parents establish firm behavioral boundaries for their toddlers, without offering a reason why they should obey, and limiting their personal choices, by the time their child is four years old will have learned self-denial and will be well on the path to self-control.

If children are offered reasons to obey before they have learned to obey without them, they will not learn the self-denial that is the foundation of self-control.

To grow in wisdom, children must be taught the reasoning behind parents’ commands but the time in childhood to begin making them wise is only after they have demonstrated they can consistently obey without needing to know why.

Children must learn that they are to obey first and then return for a full reason why.

Sassy and argumentative children who think their parents owe them convincing explanations usually get their way because parents justify all their instructions.

Children raised in such homes tend to grow up insubordinate toward teachers, law enforcement, employers and others in positions of authority.

8. Children must be required to treat parents and other adults with respect.

Respect for all authority, whether for people or rules, is learned in the home. Being required to obey parents and communicate respectfully teaches self-restraint and emphasizes that not everything one feels or thinks needs to be expressed. It reinforces the self-control inherent to maturity and helps children grow up to be good citizens.

9. Children need oversight of their moral diet.

By virtue of their years and life experience, parents have a greater understanding of cause and effect than their children. They know the wisdom behind the statements such as, “Eat your spinach,” You need your sleep,” and “Stay out of the street.” All a child knows is that he craves junk food, likes to stay up late, and the street seems a fun place to play. Because the average child has little life experience and his thinking is clouded by his “will-to-be-gratified,” he is the last person to know what is good for him. Parents must realize that they do not need their children’s permission to be parents – they already have that role. They must simply act on that authority, without apology. Children will not protect themselves from their appetites, so parents must take charge and protect them physically, mentally and morally.

Studies overwhelmingly show that children who saturate themselves with entertainment marked by senseless violence will be more tolerant or prone to violence; those who watch movies or music videos containing sensuality will increasingly express themselves sexually; children or adults with a diet of entertainment involving illicit relationships will treat marriage and wedding vows with less honor.

A child’s character is formed primarily by what good goes into him, and not only by what is kept from him.

And no one is in a better position to sow into his like Mom and Dad.

Unlimited use of computers, video games, television, etc. has become standard diversion tactics for too many parents.

Parents must decide that their children are worth a daily investment of time in teaching them character and a Biblical Worldview.

10. Children must be loved.

Parental love means doing what is best for children no matter how they might respond. One very poor reason modern parents are so soft on their children is because they crave their acceptance.

America has raised a crop of insecure parents who fear their children’s rejection.

Parents more than fifty years ago knew that life was hard and took the responsibility of preparing their children for the coming life very seriously. Today’s parents are afraid to let the kids cry. Afraid to make them mad and dread the thought that their children may hate them.

When we give to get affection back, we ARE NOT loving them – we are using them to elicit good feelings about ourselves.

When our children are young and vulnerable, they dearly need our leadership if they are to grow up to become mature, responsible adults.

There are some parents who may be congratulating themselves right now thinking they are really good parents because the negative consequences we’ve discussed don’t apply to them or their children. Let me caution you, however.

There are some who intimidate their children into subjection but fail to win their hearts. Their children may submit to discipline and control, and listen respectfully when parents speak, but their hearts will be far away. A parent who does not have their child’s heart will eventually discover that all compliance and respect was simply an expression of self-preservation. Such a child may patronize his parents and outwardly honor them during his early teen years, but flee their authoritarian rule the first chance they get.

Parents who are able to maintain influence over their children’s hearts, which is crucial in the first 12 years of their lives, are those who have cultivated rich, loving relationships with their children.

A character formed in childhood is a key element to true maturity.

Influencing behavior is not the same as influencing hearts.

Parents who give supremacy to their child’s happiness tend NOT to raise happy children.

Here’s how we can help our children and grandchildren to develop an informed and thoughtful Biblical Worldview (BWV):

1. Talk about Worldview early and often.
2. Explain non-Christian worldviews.
3. Strongly encourage your kids to read good books. Books by design are sequential and linear. The internet is not. A book takes you from pg 1 to page 2, then 3 and so on. On the other hand, start on page “Google” and you go wherever Google determines.
4. Discuss ideas whenever possible.
5. Ask good questions [Smart Questions (SQs)]

Sources: Born Liberal Raised Right by Reb Bradley, A Practical Guide to Culture and Tactics by Greg Koukl


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Is this the new argument for the Pro-Choice crowd?

what is your worldview

I have a son who is on a ventilator and requires 24/7 nurse care.

Tim came to Christ over a decade ago and of course is Pro-Life.

Yesterday, one of his nurses made this comment: “If they abolish abortion, they might very well take away your right to your vent because it would mean we no longer have the right to our own bodies. It takes a mature mind to understand this.”

Is this the new argument for the Pro-Choice crowd?
Side Note: Child Abuse

Why have children been abused far more since abortion was legalized?

BECAUSE abortion changed the way we think about children. 😒

In 1973, the year abortion was legalized, there were 167,000 cases of child abuse in America.

In 2001, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there were approximately 903,000 cases – child abuse increased by 5x’s!!!!!!

The point is: Pro-choice is the result of a worldview that does not cherish ALL life; that does not see “man” as a created being in the image of God our Creator so life is essentially meaningless.

Whenever we hear “pro-choice” ask:

What choice are you talking about? If the choice is abortion…

Do you think people should have the right to choose to kill children?

(By opposing abortion, we are not opposing choice in general, we are opposing child-killing)

Popular pro-choice question is: “If you don’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?”

Replace choice with abortion and the smart question (SQ):

If you don’t trust me to kill a child, how can you trust me to raise a child?

Slave owners (who were by the way predominately southern Democrats) were pro-choice.

They said, “You do not have to own slaves, but don’t tell us we can’t choose to.”

Those who wanted slave-holding to be illegal were accused of being anti-choice and anti-freedom, and of imposing their morality on others.

Every movement of oppression and exploitation – from slavery to prostitution, to drug-dealing, to abortion – has labeled itself pro-choice. And those opposing these movements have been labeled as “anti-choice”.

The pro-choice position always overlooks the victims right to choose.

Blacks didn’t choose slavery.

Jews didn’t choose the ovens.

Women don’t choose rape.

And babies don’t choose abortion.

“I’m not pro-abortion, but I’m pro-choice.” I hear this a lot. What a crock of hooey!

But how would you respond to someone who said, “I’m not pro-rape, I’m just pro-choice about rape?”

To be pro-choice about rape IS to be pro-rape PERIOD!

Just like being pro-choice about abortion is to be pro-abortion.

Some people imagine that being personally opposed to abortion, while believing others have the right to choose it, is some sort of honorable compromise.

The only good reason to oppose abortion is because it is CHILD KILLING!!

Being personally against abortion but favoring another’s right to kill their child is self-contradictory and delusional.

It’s like saying, “I’m personally against child abuse, but I defend my neighbors’ right to abuse his children if that’s his choice.” OR “I’m personally against slave-owning, but if others want to own salves that’s none of my business.” OR “I’m personally not in favor of wife-beating, but I don’t want to impose my morality on others, so I’m pro-choice about wife-beating.”

Choose a side folks.

You are either for killing unborn children who have NO say in the choice or you’re not.

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Why a Biblical Worldview Matters

WorldviewWhen your worldview is wrong, every decision you make is wrong.

Cartoon Networks animated Children’s show “The Amazing World of Gumball (a twelve-year-old car) looks up at the sky and asks, “Tell me universe, what is the meaning of life?”

In response, the planets sing a catchy tune. And it’s completely atheistic.

When you think you’ve got a problem and your life is full of doubt Remember in the scheme of things your puny, little, tiny, weeny, meager, futile, worthless…Gloomy, bleak, and pitiful Life just does not count!”

And we wonder why our kids are killing kids?

Actions you can take to protect and teach your kids:

  1. Become aware of what entertainment your kids are exposing themselves to.
  2. Teach your kids how to actively engage entertainment rather than passively absorb it. Don’t allow the culture to think for them. Use this list of questions to guide the conversation: What is the main story or overarching theme? How are the characters portrayed? Who are the good guys? The villains? How are the visuals used to illustrate and accentuate the storyline? What’s the central conflict? Whom does it involve? Is it resolved and how? What values are promoted directly and indirectly? What is the good life according to the movie? Are there any religious references? If so, what is said and how is religion portrayed? What worldviews are explored in the movie? How are they portrayed? Are there any historical references? Are they accurate or inaccurate? How do messages match up with Scripture? Do this not only with movies and tv but with song lyrics and books. Help your kids to not only see the truth from lies but also how media can manipulate the narrative. (See Framing by PragerU). The goal isn’t to get them to stop exposing themselves to junk; it’s to get them to understand why it’s junk and they can stop themselves from becoming a sheeple.
  3. Replace toxic screen time with better screen time. Replace Netflix and Disney Channel with Phil Vischer’s, “What’s in the Bible”. Substitute the mindless media with thoughtful entertainment.
  4. Create alternatives to entertainment consumption.
  5. Get your kids outside.
  6. For younger kids, do t let the screen become the babysitter.
  7. Help them develop the READING habit.
  8. Practice what you preach.

Remember that as followers of Jesus, we are to be in the world, but not of it.

(Source: “A Practical Guide to Culture by John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle)

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