A Biblical perspective on Legal vs illegal immigration

Many of the differences we see today between the radical Progressive-left mentality and the Christian conservative mentality come down to common (maybe we should call it rare) sense born of irrational vs rational thought.

The immigration debate is one such instance.

Every democrat/progressive I attempt to have a conversation with regarding this issue seems to be getting their talking points directly from MSM (aka as the Democratic propaganda networks)

“ger” vs “nokiry”

An immigrant in the Bible is a person who moves to another country with the intent of living there indefinitely.

Most Bible translations do not use the word “immigrant” but typically use “stranger”, “foreigner”, “alien”, or “sojourner”.

The Bible was originally written using 11,280 Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek words, but the typical English translations use only about 6,000 words. Obviously, nuances and shades of meaning can be missed. That is why it is important to not only read different translations & interpretations but also go back to the original language.

There were two different Hebrew words used for immigrant. “Ger” was used in Leviticus 24:22 (NIV) for  ”alien” while “nokiry” is used in Deuteronomy 15:3 for “foreigner”.

When you read all the Biblical passages you will see that the  “ger” was held to different standards than the “nokiry”. It appears very apparent that God’s laws did not mandate a “citizen-of-the-world” philosophy that treated citizens (legal) and non-citizens (illegal) with equal status.

“Ger” is like an invited guest; like someone who comes to contribute.

Analogy: A stranger comes knocking on my door asking for help so I invite him into my home.


I come home and find my front door kicked in and a stranger (“nokiry”) standing in my kitchen demanding my help.

“ger” contributes, asks humbly and is thankful.

“nokiry” takes and is demanding and ungrateful.

Humanity is seen by three different worldviews:

  1. Some see man as inherently good and any problems are simply caused by lack of man-made solutions – Lack of money or lack of education.   This is the doctrine of liberalism and the Democratic Party.  “The modern liberal believes man is born morally good and only turns evil because of their environment and/or circumstances.” 
  2. Some see man as inherently evil and of little intrinsic value, thus they need to be controlled by any means possible. Need to be controlled by dictators  or tyrants. [ironically, the controllers are equally evil]. This is the doctrine of countries like China, Russia, N Korea, Venezuela – communist, socialist, marxist countries.
  3. Then there is the Christian [Biblical]  Conservative worldview; man was originally created good, in the image of God, but then sin infected the human race. Thus humans have great capability for evil, but Jesus entered the world to take sin upon himself for His chosen ones; those who repent and the Holy Spirit empowers to live in righteousness.  In other words, man is born morally corrupt and only by seeking God can we have any hope of achieving moral goodness.

No issue has a greater influence on determining your social or political views than whether you view human nature as basically good or not. If you believe people are born good, you will attribute evil to forces outside the individual.” – Dennis Prager

This is why liberal politicians and their adherents believe in gun control, welfare, free housing and that Islamists destroy themselves and others because of external issues such as poverty or more ludicrously, lack of kindness shown them.

This is why having a Biblical Worldview is so critical.

If you do not recognize evil, judge it or confront it, you will be incapable of fighting it.


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The Invincible Secret Weapon

The Invincible Weapon is guerilla warfare.

In any war, the big problem is not the invasion, it is the occupation.

In the 1960’s and 70’s the most powerful army in the world, USA, was beaten by a bunch of rice farmers armed mostly with light shoulder weapons.

In 1994, in Somalia, they were beaten again by small bands of militia armed again with light shoulder weapons.

In the 1980’s Russian armed forces were beaten by primitive Afghan tribesmen armed with light shoulder weapons. And again in 1996 they were defeated by Chechens armed with light shoulder weapons.

Guerillas prevent occupation.

The guerilla operates on the principle that a soldier cannot shoot what it cannot find.

And the guerilla is not much interested in killing privates or corporals. They want Generals and Colonels and if they are not on the field, they will take out Majors, Captains and Lieutenants. In other words, they’ll take out the highest ranking leader on the field. And he has no intention of making his move unless he can do it and slip away quickly and quietly.

Here’s an example scenario: In the woods near an enemy base, he places a mortar in a hole. He aims the mortar at the enemy’s headquarters or barracks, then fills in the hole so that the muzzle of the mortar is exactly level with the ground. He places a flat rock over the muzzle, scatters some leaves for camouflage, then goes home.

A couple of months later under the cover of darkness he goes back to the mortar hole and drops six mortar rounds, replaces the rock, and goes home.

A few months later he does it again, and then again and again…

That’s guerilla warfare. Hit and run.

An occupation army needs to have a different mental and emotional makeup then an invasion army.

An invasion army requires well equipped expert warriors who can punch through the enemy’s defenses and establish bases for the occupation forces.

An occupation army needs to be made up of cold-blooded homicidal maniacs.

Should America ever be “invaded” it’s going to be by UN troops or other foreign troops allowed in through a porous border over the course of several years as illegal immigrants.

Our own armed forces will need to be emasculated or indoctrinated as communist sympathizers. [SOUND FAMILIAR?]

The only way to kill guerillas is to kill everyone.

Think Lt. William Calley, My Lai, Vietnam. 500 men, women and children were massacred by American troops out of frustration.

Six decades before Vietnam, during the early conquest of the Philippines, American General Jacob Smith, out of frustration at being unable to defeat ill-equipped Philippine guerillas, ordered the killing of any and all men, women and children our troops could find.  220,000 men, women and children were slaughtered.

The only way to defeat guerillas is to kill everyone.

If we ever get into this situation, remember this if you need a boost of ruthlessness.

The person now occupying the WH in 2022 has said that patriots would be no match against F-14’s. [remember when he threatened Trump supporters if we ever thought of fighting back?]

In Vietnam, a country smaller than California, US aircraft dropped three times the tonnage of bombs that were dropped in all of WWII on it during the course of our conflict – which we lost.

That comes out to 1,000 pounds of explosives for every man, woman and child in the country.

The ONLY way to win a guerilla war is through ethnic cleansing.

  1. The political ideology in power would have to identify who the “ethnic” guerillas or potential guerillas were.
  2. They would then have to either
  3. Convince the masses of the evilness of this “ethnic” group. [We unvaxxed already know how easy this is] so there would be no public outcry.
  4. Employ foreign troops or mercenaries.

In the past, I would not be at all concerned about our own government being this evil, but times have changed and Satan now has this Democrat Party by the cahoonas.

By-the way: The rule of thumb among military experts is that conventional troops need a minimum six-to-one numerical superiority over guerillas. Some even go as high as ten-to-one, in addition to helicopters and all other technological advantages.

In Vietnam, it took three B-52’s and 80 tons of bombs to kill one guerilla while it only took one guerilla with a $300 hunting (sniper) rifle to keep a whole battalion of Marines tied up for days.

General Eisenhower estimated that 2,800 French guerillas were worth 15 infantry divisions. A division is 5,000 to 10,000 troops.

In 1998, the Turkish government had 200,000 regular troops committed to fighting 1,200 Kurdish guerillas.

Incidentally, this is why our Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment.

They knew that the most effective defense is the one that focuses on making the country difficult to occupy by enemies – foreign or domestic.


The Swiss Defense System:

Switzerland has the best track record of staying out of wars.

How have they done this?

In Switzerland, a man joins the militia at age 20 and remains until age 50. [A militia is all able-bodied adult males of good character]

Each militia member trains regularly, keeps his rifle and ammunition in his home ready at a moment’s notice.

They are trained to be snipers.

Marksmanship is a national sport in Switzerland.

There is a Swiss saying: “Switzerland does not have an army; Switzerland is an army. It is an entire nation of Minutemen.”


Strategic Guerilla Warfare of Switzerland as Taught to Their Citizens

  • Shoot the highest-ranking leader from a concealed position then disappear.
  • DO NOT engage the enemy in an extended battle.
  • Every Swiss household is required to have a military-style gun and every adult citizen is taught how to use it.

If you will read Federalist Papers number 20, 42, and 43 by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton you will find that our Founding Fathers studied the Swiss System carefully when creating our American system.

The Second and the Tenth Amendments bear the special imprint of Swiss thinking. (one of those thoughts was to STAY OUT of the affairs of other countries, especially wars. Notice that the only president in modern history to follow this line of thinking was Trump)

If America today was still modeled after this Swiss Defense System, we would have a militia-guerilla system of defense 50 million strong. This means an enemy (foreign or domestic) would need, at a minimum, 300 million troops.

Here is the EXACT wording of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The amendment does not give permission for a well-regulated militia; it requires one.  

 The objective of this militia defense system is not to kill the enemy’s troops. It is to kill enemy leaders.  Generals, Colonels or someone higher.  In other words, cut off the head of the snake.


I have read all of Richard J. Maybury’s practical books based on historical truth and was the source of most of this essay.

In the 1960’s he was a member of the 605th Air Commando Squadron and worked directly with the CIA’s notorious School of the Americas whose job was to teach anti-guerilla warfare to foreign troops for the likes of Manuel Noriega.

This experience is where he draws upon this knowledge and where he realized the tremendous advantage guerillas have over regular troops.


The Second Amendment was not written so that we would have the right to hunt or even defend ourselves.

It was written specifically so that We the People would have the means to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government and even overthrow it if need be.

We The People ARE the Invincible Weapon

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5th Generation Warfare [5GW] is a war of narratives



Here is a concise, workable blueprint for freedom-loving citizens all over the world.

We’ve been looking for someone with authority and the skill to show us actionable ways to identify and engage the enemy in order to win back our world.

I would encourage those like-minded Americans to purchase this book:

The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare by General (retired) Michael Flynn  and Sgt (retired) Boone Cutler

and then start creating your local community of America First citizens while we await the return of the ultimate ruler – Jesus.

If you don’t fight back while you still can, there will come a time when you no longer can fight back – just ask any survivors of Nazi Germany or any communist regime from around the world.

It is about teaching you to break through the many narratives coming at you and help you discern the narrative that is true.

First, our neighbors are not necessarily our enemies.

Our primary enemy is the shadow government that has been manipulating our minds for decades using techniques like: gaslighting and the Dark Art of Framing the Narrative.

The shadow government is comprised of both state and non-state actors with clandestine intentions that influence standing governments that are in plain view. This group is largely supported by politicians and government agency officials and bureaucrats who have been compromised and/or indoctrinated to protect and enable a globalist agenda to create a New (one) World Order. (NWO)

The shadow government threats to America, and the world, are made up of state actors like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with alliances such as Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and radicalized Islamists.

The non-state actors are George Soros (Obama’s long-time benefactor), Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Trade Organization, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Our fight today is not against the people of other nations, but rather our battle is against a cult of global oppressors whose goal is to depopulate humanity and make the survivors indentured slaves by ultimately stripping us of our national identities and basic human rights.

Their plan is to create defenseless people, in borderless countries, who have limited or non-existent parental rights.

If we lose this war, it will be the end of individual freedoms and liberties.

Make no mistake, right now, someone somewhere is assessing each and every one of us as a “target (audience)” and figuring out how to influence our thoughts, behaviors, and actions to their benefit/end-game goal.

They are assessing you through a clever use of detailed personal data called psychographics.

  • Fears: What does the Target Audience [TA] fear?
  • Hates: What does the TA hate?
  • Anger: What angers the TA?
  • Loves: What does the TA love?
  • Shame or embarrassment: What does the TA consider shameful or embarrassing?
  • What is the TA dissatisfied with? (What are its gripes?)
  • What are the cultural norms? [How is the TA expected to act?]
  • What does the TA value? [What is important to the TA?]
  • What are the frustrations? [What does the TA want that it cannot get?]

The Great Reset

The two-stage communist revolutionary theory of Marx-Lenin starts with capitalism, which must be passed thru to communism via socialism.

Socialism is the first stage of full-fledged communism.

In America right now, this revolutionary coup of our country is being helped along by members of both major political parties – democrats and republicans in the form of RINOs. This group of politicians is called the UniParty.

They reserve partial loyalty towards selected causes to advance a country [in this case America] along the path of socialism that ultimately ends up as communism. The UniParty is classically called the Vanguard Party, a concept created by Lenin.

The UniParty is knowingly and unknowingly facilitating this two-stage revolution. UniParty members pretend to be on separate sides of the political spectrum but on globalist topics they equally support the changes.

The politicians fighting against this cabal are called “Country First Representatives”.  In Nigeria, they are called “Nigeria First Representatives”. In Israel, they are called “Israel First Representatives”.   In America, they are called “America First Representatives”

Country First Representatives can be identified by their support of:

  1. Election integrity
  2. Border security
  3. Parental rights
  4. Medical freedom
  5. Bill of Rights
  6. Defund UniParty (aka the swamp) and remove them from office, preferably through a fair election process.

Funding for UniParty members comes from individual contributions by people like you and me and corporate contributions funded thru profits that are knowingly and unknowingly attained from people also just like us.

Why are America First candidates not receiving these funds and instead these UniParty candidates have full coffers full of cash?  Can you see how your method of consumerism, individual campaign contributions and charitable contributions are financing this communist coup?  All these monies are siphoned into funds that support the eventual demise of our country. It’s all a game based on monetizing your habits and using monetization to support this globalist agenda. Can you break a habit, or do you want to continue to help your oppressors win?

How many small mom & pop businesses were forced out of business during the pandemic hoax lockdowns and how much of that business was absorbed by these large corporations that then make sizable contributions to these UniParty candidates?  And it’s all supported by big tech and weaponized media. This book will show you how the game is being played?

You have more control than you think but you have to be willing to JUST SAY NO and stop supporting the liars and those supporting the liars.

And in all cases, we can stop our contributions to these UniParty members.

And please understand both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC) are corrupt to their core. They need to be defunded and rebuilt by organizations that support We The People.

Battlefield Preparation

The critical nature of the defense of your mind at the individual level cannot be understated.

Manipulation and Decision Dominance

Decision dominance means achieving a reasonable amount of predictability to anticipate how people will react to specific situations or circumstances and leveraging PSYACT[s] [PSYACT is the occurrence of something that affects the

Target Audience [TA] to support the psyop plan] like:

How to Make People Kill People

Influencing people to kill others happens in four phases:

  1. Polarization – most easily accomplished through gaslighting and/or The Dark Art of Framing The Narrative through weaponized media.
  2. Tribulization – self-segregation with a group.
  3. Dehumanization – The Covid hoax provided the perfect environment to manipulate the masses in this arena. The whole goal of this hoax was/is to get as many humans VAXXed with this gene-editing jab and those who saw thru the hoax were demonized, threatened, and in many countries, thrown in gulags called quarantine camps. The whole goal was to dehumanize us. It almost worked the first time. But the thing about those of us who saw through this scam is our passion for truth and the courage to suffer the consequences.  Truth combined with courage is a hard combo to beat and the real threat to those in authority.
  4. Killing

PSYACTs are performed by agents of action who can take many forms like:

  • terrorists
  • traditional media broadcasters
  • podcasters
  • criminals
  • musical artists
  • religious leaders
  • social media influencers
  • social media content creators
  • lawmakers
  • hackers
  • journalists
  • meme makers
  • video producers
  • movie makers
  • social justice advocates
  • street artists
  • law enforcement agencies
  • government agencies
  • non-government agencies
  • …and you

We Are at War

Look around you. Do you see UniParty members supporting the globalist agenda of both the state and non-state actors?

We are at war with an enemy whose main desire is to subjugate you and your family or simply to kill you.

The RedLine We Must Not Allow Them to Cross: Under no circumstances can we ever allow the opposition/oppressor “wanna-be’s” to win any of these battles.

  1. Parental Rights
  2. Border Security
  3. Election Integrity
  4. Medical Freedom
  5. Religious Freedom
  6. The Bill of Rights
  7. Defund UniParty Members and remove them thru fair elections

Ignore the Distractions – Watch the Politicians

In America, the strategy is to cause many distractions with media propaganda by demonizing those who are a threat to their authority.  The propaganda is always about creating a scapegoat out of the ones they fear [those with a passion for truth and the courage to suffer the consequences]

The UniParty is Their Action-Arm

The biggest threat to America, and the world, are the political posers – what we call the UniParty.  We need to work with our family, friends, and neighbors to create an action plan. Local action leads to national impact.

Reliability Networks

A reliability network is a sustainable system for living that prevents basic living necessities from being leveraged against the population  to manipulate the conditions of the environment and control the people.

Having this network of friends and food relieves stress and strengthens the community.

Have a source of food that is not dependent upon legacy-owned food manufacturers.

  • Grow a garden
  • Have a meat source

Considering the vast number of food production facilities that have been destroyed in the past 2 years, the supply chain issues, and inflation, this is your best weapon to survive the coming planned starvation of the masses.

Circle of Trust

If tomorrow there was a total breakdown of our banking institutions, what friend would you have that could fix your car, pull a bad tooth, or fix a computer?

Take inventory of whom you know and what skills they bring to the table.

Local people with needed skills in desperate times that you should recruit now are:

  • Construction workers, electricians, and plumbers
  • Mechanics
  • Doctors, nurses, and medics
  • Hunters and fishermen
  • Military veterans
  • Veterinarians
  • Law enforcement officers
  • IT specialists
  • Lawmakers
  • Farmers and gardeners
  • Ranchers
  • Ham radio operators

Hack the System

Meeting in the physical domain is how we break from the imprisonment Big Tech has hoisted on us. In the physical domain, we can’t be censored and psychologically isolated.

Physically meeting, face-to-face is how we hack the effects of the digital oppression coming our way.

 Never Forget This

Removing books from the physical domain is the known way to control information in order to limit the sharing of ideas.

Eliminating or restricting long-standing food and medicine sources is another manipulation of the physical domain.

Restricting energy resources (oil, gas, electricity) is another.

Restricting the right of the people to defend themselves from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC, and restricting free speech is equally manipulative, oppressing, and tyrannical.

 Develop Discernment

Discernment and critical thinking are inseparable.

Discernment is the ability to distinguish truth from error or more accurately truth from half-truths. It’s not a matter of knowing the difference between right and wrong; It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.

Critical thinking is the ability to observe and recognize patterns and then “connect the dots.” It is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.

To Sum It All Up:

The decisive operation happening in this Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) is a movement toward borderless nations with defenseless populations who are controlled by UniParty factions who support the shadowy governments comprised of state and non-state actors. A nation’s UniParty faction will always support the globalist PSYOP plan to create a New World Order with PSYACTS, restrictive legislation, and excessive spending.

Identify the Marxist-Leninist UniParty members by using your critical thinking skills.

Nothing other than clean voting rolls, ceasing mail-in ballots and drop boxes, regulating a limited and effective use of absentee ballots, and eliminating anything other than paper ballots dispensed to legal voters who can provide legal photo ID is acceptable.

No More Machine Voting and no more crossing the REDLINE.

In a world already flooded with erroneous ideas, lies, and omissions, just telling people the truth isn’t enough.

The world doesn’t just need to hear the truth, it needs to learn how to think with the truth.

It needs to learn how to think accurately, and that means thinking Biblically.

Every action we take has one of two effects: either it helps bring down a foretaste of heaven or it helps establish a hell on earth.

Either we are a part of the world’s brokenness or we are helping God make the world righteous by working with him to change it.

Either the reign of God is being established or the reign of Satan is being advanced.]

So, every time you nod your head to a lie, you are helping to create hell on Earth.

If you are choosing between being divided by truth or united by lies, ALWAYS choose division by truth.

How can we fight?

Just Say No!  I will not participate. 

  • Stop supporting the lie. Stop supporting those telling the lies. Mass disobedience is our most powerful weapon right now. Stop supporting any business, entertainment venue, or any institution, including medical, education, media, or even a church that continues to support this lie.
  • Support businesses that refuse to comply with mandates and reduce/cut all spending with businesses that do.
  • Remove your children from the public education system. Work with other families to create homeschooling /unschooling co-ops.
  • Protest locally. Protest at the root. Tyrannical oppressors can’t win without the cooperation of the oppressed
  • DO NOT support any form of social justice – Climate Change (and it’s many names), BLM, Critical Race Theory, LGBTQ/Transhumanism , Feminism,….
  • Do not support any entity [social media, business, association, church, etc] that supports the lies with your money, engagement, or otherwise.
  • Create small groups to support each other – emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually, and mentally. Help those whose jobs are being threatened to find another job, or maybe the church could hire them in a business they created for just this purpose or maybe even help them create their own BIZ.
  • Refuse to enter the coming CBDC digital cash system.
  • Refuse adoption of digital ID/vaccine passports.
  • Fight, on a local level, to prevent the expansion of facial recognition cameras and 5G.
  • “Starve the beast” by cutting back on your online usage, social media in particular. The war on “domestic terror,” meaning the war on anyone who doesn’t agree with a one-world government, is waged using surveillance, profiling, and AI.

Build Community and Parallel Financial Systems

  • In addition to those things, we also need to promote the development and adoption of alternative systems and communities, and parallel economies that do not rely on or require CBDCs and digital ID/vaccine passports to function. To that end:
  • Use more cash, as this will discourage stores from going all-digital.
  • Get out of the inner cities, where financial collapse will be felt the hardest and pose the greatest risks to personal safety.
  • Build community and local parallel economies.
  • Build your own knowledge base on how to grow and raise food, even if you’re not in a position to grow food right now. There are many free videos online that you can peruse. Ideally, download them so you can watch them offline, even if the internet goes down.

Dictatorial government officials cannot control the masses unless they scare them. A fact.

And it was a contagion of fear, not a virus, that led to the lockdown of most of the world.

Fear led people to voluntarily give up their individual rights and meekly obey government dictates.

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Does God Ask Us to See the Future? 

Live not by Lies not thru me

What is it that so many in America, and the world, fail to see?

The future.

Christians, real, true, traditional Christians are expected to see the future or at least listen to those who see it.

Do we heed the prophets or do we ignore their warnings as did the German Church in the 1930s?

Well, if you are merely one who dwells in Christiandom but are only a “professing christian” then you likely, like most progressive christians, do not take the Bible literally; you do not consider the Bible as inerrant and infallible and thus you have a problem understanding what you are seeing, which means America has a problem.

We have a problem because only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview (BWV) which means for 94%, their view of reality, past, present, and future is distorted. And worse yet, just slightly more than a third (37%) of American pastors have a biblical worldview. The majority—62%—embrace a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism.

When we don’t see the future from a Biblical Worldview [BWV] perspective, we fail to see that both our actions and inactions have consequences; just like the German Church eventually found out too late.

Part of our problem is the failure of so many to understand that inaction in times such as these is actually more damaging than the wrong actions.

It takes great courage to be a contrarian; to act or speak when the majority are not.

Sometimes it takes courage to remain silent but oftentimes it takes more courage to speak out when you know that what you are going to say is unpopular.

Find Your Voice: Have the courage to stand up to lies and speak truth.

Find the courage to share your thoughts not because you think it will change the minds of people who think differently than you but to show people who already think like you that they’re not alone and maybe inspire others to find theirs.

What are you willing to defend?

You either love truth or love lies – which are you?

Without the order of a Biblical Worldview, you get a future filled with chaos.


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