The Education of Eldridge Cleaver – a former Marxist

Marxist IndoctrinationIn the mid-sixties groups of Marxist agitators moved in amongst the blacks in America to promote direct action by violence. One of those was Eldridge Cleaver, who had been trained in Marxist ideology/religion and tactics while serving a 15-year prison sentence in California state penitentiary.

In 1967 he became the Minister of Information for the Black Panthers. In his books, Cleaver describes the rationale behind their philosophy of violence.  It was to destroy the whole economic and social structure of the United States so that blacks could enjoy equal rights under an American Communist regime.  And here we are, 50 years later, and now with the help of the education system, media, and progressive churches, America must fight off the lies and liars once again.

During the summer of 1968 over a hundred American cities were racked by Marxist violence via the Black Panthers, but the burning was always in the Black ghettos. The idea was to put the Black population in direct confrontation with police in order to solidify their apparent need to become a racial bloc for the coming revolution.  Their game plan was, as it is today under the Democratic Progressive Marxist Party to sow hatred, ingratitude, insecurity, and racial and class tension.

Progressivism [aka Marxism/Communism] can’t function without having people feel those things.

This is simply Satan’s latest attempt to conquer and divide.

But, the burning and fire-bombing backfired. The Black community wised up pretty fast and realized it was only homes and neighborhoods of blacks that were burning.

In a shoot-out with police, nineteen Black Panthers were killed and Eldridge was wounded. He and his wife would later flee to Cuba and then moved to other Communist countries.

After nearly eight years as an exile in Communist and Socialist countries, Eldridge Cleaver asked to be allowed to return to the United States and face the consequences of his earlier transgressions. He and his wife were no longer atheists. They were no Communists. The years behind the iron and bamboo curtains had dispelled the propaganda concerning “equality” and “Justice” under Communism. Cleaver told the press: I would rather be in jail in America than free anywhere else.”

He then went on to say: “I was wrong and the Black Panthers were wrong…We [black Americans] are inside the system and I feel the number one objective for Black Americans is to recognize that they have the same equal rights under the Constitution as Ford or Rockefeller, even if we have no blue-chip stocks. But our membership in the United States is the supreme blue-chip stock and the one we have to exercise. (Laile Bartlett, “The Education of Eldridge Cleaver,” Readers Digest, September 1976, pg. 65-72)

Eldridge paid his final debt to society by 1981. Soon after he began speaking engagements in schools, churches, community gatherings, and even prison groups to describe his new and profound appreciation for America. He described the despondency he felt when he finally realized that human rights and human dignity under Communism was a LIE! He described the long and strenuous intellectual struggle with his Marxist atheism before he recognized its fraudulent fallacies. He assured his audiences, just as John Locke had done long ago, that a persistent pursuit of truth would bring them to the same threshold of reality that he now enjoyed, where the Creator could be recognized and thereafter have a place in their lives.

[Source: Well Versed by Dr James Garlow]

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