Everyone Goes Thru the Same Buying Decision Cycle

Except for the “impulse” purchase items (probably anything under $100) every customer, client or patient goes thru some sort of a Decision Cycle Until that cycle hits the Urgency stage, they may not even know they have a problem looking for a solution.

So, why stay in constant and consistent contact with prospects and clients?

Here’s an example to consider:
Have you ever noticed that until you are actually ready to buy…say something like a refrigerator, you never even notice the ads for refrigerators?

That all changes once your refrigerator stops working. You come out in the morning and there’s a pool of water on the floor. You open the door and there’s no light. Everything in the freezer is thawed. That sense of Urgency is suddenly really, really acute and now, almost miraculously, you see and hear all the advertising for refrigerators.

This is why it is so important to stay in constant and consistent contact with prospects and clients; creating, building and maintaining a relationship.

You never know when that Sense of Urgency is going to hit that Buying Decision stage.
But when it does, you want them to think of you.

In addition, who do you think they are going to refer when the subject of whatever your business product (or service), comes up in conversations?

Had your business stayed in contact, like a trusted adviser or best friend would have, they would be turning to you right now.

The first thing you need to do is make sure you are collecting all of the contact data of everyone who contacts your business in any way, shape or fashion whether it’s when they walk into your place of business or come to your web site.

Then you have to have a strategy, based on principles, of what to share, how often to share and in what manner or media to share with everyone on your list.

Here are just a few ideas of the “101” different ways to stay in contact:
• Keep educating them on your product(s), values, after-sale services, back-end products or services, consequences of not properly maintaining their product, etc. How many times have you been disappointed to hear one of your clients say, “I didn’t know you even offered that.”
• Send them updates on new products, services and trends in your industry and at your place of business
Entertain them with articles or videos with a human interest story especially if it involves you or your employees or your industry.
• Use video/vlogs to educate, create a personal touch by seeing you and your staff as real and authentic.
Solicit complaints before they become too big to resolve. This is HUGE. See my article “3 Reasons Your Customers Stop Buying From You”
• Know what their hobbies or interests are and send them relative information
• If they’ve already purchased, Follow-up to reinforce they have made a good decision and to clarify that they got what they expected and what you promised.

There are two principles at play here:
First is Servitude Heart – You can get everything in life that you want if you’ll just help enough others get what they want, and the second is Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up – As long as you are following up with something of value, you can’t stay in contact too much.

The key take-away is that it’s about creating relationships built on trust and confidence.

We want to invest in our relationship with you. 

We understand somebody has to make the first move, so we are providing this marketing audio program free of charge to you, not as something with low value, in fact we believe you’ve never heard anything quite like it.
We’re doing this to provide an investment in you and hopefully you will begin to understand some of the things we can help you with in your business growth.

Listen to Our Total Dominance audio program that teaches you a marketing plan that will make you the #1 company in your industry AND Totally Dominate your industry.

  1. Learn the 2 Common Mistakes Plaguing Most Businesses Marketing
  2. Learn a Simple 5 Step Formula for Every Marketing Piece You Ever Create
  3. How to Stay Ahead of Your Competition-No Matter What Industry
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