See, Judge, Act: What it means to be a Christian Dissident


In today’s world, having a Biblical Worldview is a prerequisite to being a Christian Dissident.

To See means to be awake to the reality going on around you.

To Judge is a command to discern soberly the meaning of those realities in light of what you know to be true; seeing in light of a Biblical Worldview.

Then to Act after you’ve reached a conclusion; act to resist the evil.

Born Again Christians are called to Live Not By Lies, but to Live only in Truth. We must be willing to live outside the mob, courageously defend truth, and be willing to endure the consequences.

Our duty is to never knowingly support lies!!

(Things like The Dark Art of Framing of Fake News media outlets; wolves in sheep’s clothing in our churches that teach progressive christianity and worshiping the wrong Jesus; Marxism in our schools that erase history, teach “revised” history and squelches free speech by using semantics as a weapon of deception and political correctness to shame and falsify language; social justice of the gay mafia, the racist bigotry of organizations like BLM or any other social justice propaganda that denies biblical truth;  )

We may have to live in this world of lies but we do not need to choose to allow the world to live in us.

Sometimes being a dissident means speaking up and sometimes it may mean keeping silent when you aren’t expected to.

As Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview we are the only ones equipped to See the world as it really is; Judge the meaning of those realities in light of what we know to be true based on the perspective of a Biblical Worldview; and then after you’ve reached a conclusion, Act appropriately to resist the evil present.  (Source: Live Not by Lies by Rod Dreher)

Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview don’t share our thoughts because we think it will change the minds of people who think differently than us. We share our thoughts to show people who already think like us that they’re not alone. We share so others might be encouraged to find their own Voice and consequently inspire others to find theirs.



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