3 Reasons Why Your Clients Stop Buying From You

The easiest way to increase your client base is to regain those who have gone inactive.

It can cost a small fortune to acquire a new client – but it costs almost nothing to gain back an old client.

Here are the three most common reasons your clients stop doing business with you:

1. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Something happened in their personal or business life, totally unrelated to you, that caused them to temporarily stop doing business with you.
Once they stopped consistently having any kind of relationship with you…out-of-sight-out-of-mind syndrome sets in.

For most businesses, this accounts for over half of their lost business.

2. Bad Experience: They had a bad or unsatisfactory experience with you and simply got turned off.

The sad thing is that it was probably relatively minor in the grand scheme of things but it was enough to be an irritant.

And remember, I don’t care what business you are in, it is highly unlikely you don’t have competition that they can simply turn to.

The Silent Majority will kill your business:
• 96% of your customers who received rude or discourteous treatment will never say anything. Which means ONLY 4% will complain…but IF YOU Apologize and Resolve quickly, 70% of these will continue to do business with you.

• Want more bad news? Each of these unhappy customers will tell at least 9 other people and 13% will tell 20 other people.

• And 68% who stop doing business with you do so because of indifference…perceived or real.
(source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs)

The vast majority of business owners don’t think, even for a moment, that they or their organization might be the reason their clients stopped doing business with them.

That moment that you realize that 80% of “lost” customers can be easily won back is the day your business can have a paradigm shifting increase in business.

You know what else? I doubt your competition has thought of this either.

3. Their situation has changed and now they no longer can benefit from your product or service.

Now you might think there is nothing that can be done here, but you’d be wrong :)

By simply contacting these people and asking for referrals you will be pleasantly surprised at the positive results you will get.

Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up

If you have a website, you have to be doing Facebook marketing

Stay in constant and consistent contact with your clientele just like you would if they were your best friend.

I personally like emailing a video message every now and then but there are a lot of other ways to stay in contact and a lot of different messages.

The key is to do it consistently and provide messages of value that are personally interesting, educational, rewarding, or inspiring to your “friend.”

I have contacted a lot of local businesses and have subscribed to every email and newsletter mailing list they provide, but the sad thing is that every business I’ve signed up with merely goes thru the motion of staying in contact.

It is all cookie cutter newsletters or coupons or some other sort of sales communication.

While this is better than nothing, it isn’t better by much.

Marketing is Simply Selling and Selling is all about Relationships.

Our Principle Centered Marketing approach helps you to do this.

We want to invest in our relationship with you. 

We understand somebody has to make the first move, so we are providing this marketing audio program free of charge to you, not as something with low value, in fact we believe you’ve never heard anything quite like it.

We’re doing this to provide an investment in you and hopefully you will begin to understand some of the things we can help you with in your business growth.

Listen to Our Total Dominance audio program that teaches you a marketing plan that will make you the #1 company in your industry AND Totally Dominate your industry.

  1. Learn the 2 Common Mistakes Plaguing Most Businesses Marketing
  2. Learn a Simple 5 Step Formula for Every Marketing Piece You Ever Create
  3. How to Stay Ahead of Your Competition-No Matter What Industry
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