How to Use 80/20 in Your Marketing and Selling

The 80/20 Principle or Pareto’s Law, has become almost a platitude in today’s world, especially the marketing and selling part of business.

But… very few have a deep understanding of its tremendous power to leverage everything in your world. When you truly understand it, it becomes transformational at every level.

It will multiply your time, effort, people/relationships, free up your critical resources and exponentially increase your revenue, profits and cash flow, because it changes the way you think and thus act.

Over 20 years ago, just after I had purchased my new car & truck dealership, I hired Jay Abraham to be my marketing coach and I spent a year with a small group of other highly motivated entrepreneurs periodically traveling out to Los Angeles to be coached, prodded and grilled by Jay Abraham.

At about the same time I picked up a book by Richard Koch called “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Success by Achieving More With Less” and I began my journey into combining the 80/20 principle with what I was learning from Jay Abraham in my sales, marketing and business practices.

These two encounters turned out to be the most enlightening years of my business life.

One changed the way I thought about marketing and selling and the other changed the way I thought about the principle of Putting First Things First. And when I combined these two new paradigms, it took me closer to what I called Effortless Power…how to get more and better results with less time, effort and resources.

When you understand the 80/20 Principle you will see the world through a different lens.

You will see immediate opportunities for increasing your profits & cash flow by recognizing not only what is wildly important but also what is a waste of your time and efforts.

There are highly leveraged implications for your employees, vendors, suppliers and all other stakeholders as well.

You will view your talents and passions differently.

You see 80/20 is not just a handy rule-of-thumb. It is a principle of life.

In general:

  • 80% of your revenue, profits and cash flow comes from 20% of your customers, employees and/or products.
  • 80% of your problems come from 20% of your customers or employees.
  • 80% of your productivity comes from 20% or your time.
  • 80% of what you need to know comes from 20% of the book you are reading.
  • 20% of your customers, in any bucket, have the potential to spend 5x’s as much as they are right now.

And so on and so on…

From a purely marketing and selling stand-point, the real gains come from identifying and understanding that 80% of your marketing/advertising efforts only influence 20% of your sales and 80% of your current customer list produces 20% of your results.

If you are treating all customers the same, then that means that 20% of the customers who could be upsold to a higher level of service or product or who would purchase more often if asked with the proper messaging are being wasted.

When you identify the 20% of your ideal target audience that is likely to respond positively to your offer, you suddenly stop wasting money, time and effort on the wrong crowd and instead, you have five times more money and effort to expend on the right audience – the 20% that will produce 5x’s or more.

Here is How it Looks from Your Employee Side.

Let’s say you have a team of 10 sales people. The 80/20 principle says 2 of them are generating approximately 80% of your results and the other 8 are generating the remaining 20%.

Example: Your team of 10 generate $100,000.  The top two likely account for $80,000 or $40,000 average each, while the other 8 generate $20,000 or $2,500 average each. That means man-for-man, the top two are somewhere in the area of 16x’s more effective the than the other eight.  The top 20% generate four times the results with one fourth the people.

The unbelievable news? 20% of the top 20% [4%] produces 80% of the 80% [64%] and 20% of the 4% [.8%] generates 80% of the 64% [52%] of the results.  The leverage continues like this until you can’t measure anymore.

How does knowing this and who your top performers change the way you think about finding, hiring and keeping only the 20%’ers?

This is why I love 80/20.

When you improve the effectiveness of the most important 20%, 4% and then 1% of your business [i.e. marketing, salesmanship, operations, etc] your results improve exponentially.

When you have identified the 20%, then the 4% then ultimately the 1% to focus on, you gain more productive time, more profits and cash flow, more and better results from fewer customers and or employees and you do it all with little to no waste.

The Good News: It is not unusual to make only a few changes to see your profits increase by 20% then 30% the 50% or more in less than 90 days. All this  depends only on your willingness to change the way you think.

What if you could better predict your market, business, potential bottlenecks, problems and pain points?

What if when all of your competition were flying blind and with a certain sense of fear because market competitiveness was causing their profits and cash flow to dwindle and become inconsistent,  their costs to acquire customers kept creeping up and their returns from these customers kept going down and you, on the other hand, had the secret formula on how to identify the ideal customers and employees, the ideal products and services and you were making 1.5:1, 2:1 or even 4:1 more on every transaction.

If you could see your marketing and selling world around you in a totally different way – would you take it?

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What does a perfect business model look like?

The perfect business model that I want the market I cater to, has to be able to answer these 7 questions in the affirmative:

 1. Are they a member of your ideal 8020 target audience? Every business has customers or clients that can be broken out according to the 80/20 Principle.
20% of your customers are generating 80% of your profits. Because 8020 is fractal, we can break it down even further – 20% of the 20% = 4% are generating 80% of the 80% = 64% of your profits.

2. Are they the decision-maker? Do they have the ability to say yes?
Don’t waste your time making a presentation to an audience that can’t make the final decision.

3. Do they have the money?
If they can’t afford what you are selling. It makes no sense to present to them.

4. Is there a sense of urgency? Do they have an immediate and urgent problem that they need a solution to? Perry Marshall, in his book “80/20 Sales and Marketing”  refers to it as:  “Do they have a “bleeding neck”?

5. Do they want what you have to offer? Does your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) match what they want?
A unique selling proposition (USP) is your unique answer to these questions:
• What does your product or service do that your competitors doesn’t?
• Why should I buy from you instead of anybody else?
• What guarantee can you make that nobody else can make?

6. Is the timing right for your solution to their problem?
Whatever you sell needs to be in harmony with the natural and existing forces in their life right now.

7. Do they chase you instead of you having to chase them?

If you could have this, would you take it?

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Effortless Power: How to get more of what you want with less time and effort.

Effortless Power is the essence of 8020 marketing and persuasion.

Over 20 years ago, just after I had purchased my new car & truck dealership, I hired Jay Abraham to be my marketing coach and I spent a year with a small group of other highly motivated entrepreneurs periodically traveling out to Los Angeles to be coached, prodded and grilled by Jay Abraham.

Turned out to be one of the most enlightening years of my business life.

One of the statements he made to me in particular really struck home and stayed with me: He said  “It is better to talk to 10 people who want what you have to offer than 100 tire kickers.”

At about the same time I picked up a book by Richard Koch called “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Success by Achieving More With Less” and I began my journey into combining the 80/20 principle with what I was learning from Jay Abraham in my sales, marketing and business practices.

80/20 marketing is about identifying these 6 essential elements and disqualifying anyone that doesn’t fit the profile.

If you want to get 80/20 results from your marketing and selling process, these 6 elements must be present in your lead generation efforts.

One: Are they a member of your ideal target audience? Every business has customers or clients that can be broken out according to the 80/20 Principle.

20% of your customers are generating 80% of your profits. And 4% are generating 64% of your profits.

Let’s say you have 1,000 customers generating an annual average revenue stream of $1,000 each. The 80/20 Principle states that 200 of those customers are generating in the area of $800,000 and the other 800 customers generate the other $200,000 and to make matters worse, you are likely actually losing money on a small percentage of those 800. We all instinctively understand that not all customers are equal, but only a rare few business owners have really put a pencil to it and determine who those customers are and what their true Lifetime Value is.

As a side note, this applies to your employees as well.

Two: Are they the decision-maker? Do they have the ability to say yes?
Don’t waste your time making a presentation to an audience that can’t make the final decision.

Three: Do they have the money?
If they can’t afford what you are selling. It makes no sense to present to them.

Four: Is there a sense of urgency? Do they have an immediate and urgent problem that they need a solution to? Perry Marshall, in his book “80/20 Sales and Marketing”  refers to it as:  “Do they have a “bleeding neck”?

Five: Do they want what you have to offer? Does your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) match what they want?
A unique selling proposition (USP) is your unique answer to these questions:
• What does your product or service do that your competitors doesn’t?
• Why should I buy from you instead of anybody else?
• What guarantee can you make that nobody else can make?

Six: Is the timing right for your solution to their problem?
Whatever you sell needs to be in harmony with the natural and existing forces in their life right now

You want to have a marketing system and strategy that feeds you quality leads so that you are time only with customers who meet all six of these elements.

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8020 for the next $1,000,000

Implement the 8020 principle to expand and grow your business.

The things I have discovered in talking to small business owners is that to get to that first $1,000,000 takes passion, drive, and talent on the part of the owner who almost literally has carried the business on his or her back to that first million-dollar stage.

To expand and grow to the next level of $2,000,000 and beyond now requires the help of others and focusing on the right people and activities. The 20% that generates 80%.

It requires collaboration and the implementation of what Proverbs 15:22 identifies as “the counsel and advice of others.”

There’s a very relevant axiom that says, what you have to do in this world can seldom, if ever, get done without collaboration.

Once the lone ranger entrepreneur has reached this magic $1,ooo,ooo mark, they are typically performing an “ungodly” number of $10, or even the $100 tasks versus the $1,000 to $10,000 tasks of an 80/20 business owner.

To break out of this $1,000,000 earning stage, you will have to spend more time in the nexus of your talent and passion. That is the 20% of the activities and people that produce 4x’s, 16x’s and even 100x’s more results.

According to a study done by Infusionsoft, there are 5 stages to small business. I’m going to address two of them, stages 3 and 4.

Stage 3 is where you have grown your business from around $300,000 to the $1,000,000 level.

The hurdles you needed to overcome to get to that first million are marketing and customer service.

In other words, generating customers, and providing excellent service so as to create customer loyalty.

Doubling your business to the next million or stage 4, now requires not only focusing on the marketing and service issues but two additional hurdles – Finding, hiring, & keeping the right employees and creating the right systems and processes to keep it all running smoothly.

The first critical area is to find, hire and keep only the “right” employees.

These are the ones who generate 4, 16, and in some cases even 100x’s more and better results than your average employees and generally they have higher integrity, are more reliable, have a positive attitude, fit well into your culture and typically require little to no micro-managing on your part.

Your second area is to have a “bucket” that is overflowing with leads and opportunities made up of the “right” customers – the 20% that generate 80% or more of your revenue, profits and cash flow.

Let’s say you have 1,000 customers generating an annual average revenue stream of $1,000 each.  The 80/20 Principle states that 200 of those customers are generating in the area of $800,000 and the other 800 customers generate the other $200,000 and to make matters worse, you are likely actually losing money on a small percentage of those 800.

We all instinctively understand that not all customers are equal, but only a rare few business owners have really put a pencil to it and determined who those customers are and what their true Lifetime Value is.

These 200 customers deserve and require a different level of service and communication than the other 800.

This is not to suggest you lower your level of service to the 800 but rather start paying more attention to the 20% that are generating 80%.

When you do that effectively, that 200 can easily double, through referrals, organic word-of-mouth and replication by proactively targeting others who are like them.

Now instead of having 200 customers generating $800,000, you have somewhere in the area of 400 generating $1.5 million or more.

When understood properly, 80/20 is as much about disqualifying as it is about qualifying.

The 80/20 Principle states that you have customers, products, and services that need to be “fired” because the ROI is negative.

 Thirdly, the ultimate objective is to grow your business to the next stage in less time and effort then it took you to get to your first $1,000,000 and accomplish it while maintaining or better yet, increasing your gross and net profit margins and making sure your cash flow remains consistent and positive.

Finally, for those who are just beginning to think about an Exit Strategy, how much more valuable would your business be and how much easier would it be to find the ideal buyer, when you are getting better results with less time effort and money invested?

There is no better Exit Strategy than to implement 80/20 strategies and tactics in these four areas of your business.

Once implemented you may decide you really don’t want to sell after all because you are now getting better results with less time and effort invested.

Who do you know needs help to implement the 8020  Principle into their business?

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Focus on the Solution not the Problem

Breakthrough Critical Thinking focuses on the Solution not the problem.

What is Breakthrough Creative Thinking?

  • It focuses forward on the solution you want to create rather than backwards at the problem you want to eliminate.
  • It identifies the right things to do and how to do them.
  • Removes obstacles from your path to the simple solutions.
  • Requires minimal information gathering and then only on the information you need to move forward – thus reducing “analysis-paralysis”.
  • Provides long-term solutions

It also helps you avoid the mistakes made in the traditional problem-solving paradigm:

  1. Working on the wrong things – ladder against the wrong wall.
  2. Starting with the wrong assumptions which always causes coming to wrong conclusions.
  3. Involving the wrong people.
  4. Accepting the wrong or incomplete solutions.
  5. Addressing the wrong timing.
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Be Right or Go Wrong

We are living in a time when to be right is relative.

Call it the “New Morality”.

The “New Morality” says that man’s reason should be the instrument of moral judgment. It’s not a matter of what is good or right but rather what is fitting to the situation or lifestyle I want to live.

I used to think this was just a problem from the liberal or “left” side of society but I have come realize that even on the “right” we are raising generations of relativists.

The supreme law for the “New Moralists” is Love.  Or as the left would say “compassion”.

That sounds like it should be a good thing but to these New Moralists any “standards” of right and wrong stifle love and compassion.

Today’s moral relativist is willing to ignore any principle if he thinks he can show more love by its violation than its obedience.  The ends justify the means.

Look at politics just in the past few years. Our leaders can lie to pass their agenda that they think demonstrates more “love” and no one bats an eye.

Today’s New Morality” is being used to condone and accept every sort of sin from adultery, lying, abortion, homosexual behavior, coveting, theft…The only sin that is not acceptable at the moment is outright murder unless of course you are in the womb. And we now have “ethicists” claiming that elderly, the too infirm, handicapped, etc. may not be of the same value.

Millions are suffering the consequences of having no moral compass to guide them. We can rationalize any type of behavior in the name of love but without a Biblical guideline, the New moral relativist has no way of knowing whether what he is doing or condoning is truly loving.

The person who engages in moral relativism has no fixed standard of what is right and what is wrong. Right is simply whatever he “feels” is in his best interest at the time.

Having no moral compass, no standards or guidelines is no different than setting sail without having plotted a course to your destination.

It sort of reminds me of a famous Yogi Berra saying “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

I am a Christian; my moral compass is the Bible. It’s not ambiguous; It’s clear cut and IT IS based on Love and compassion but Love is clearly defined. It’s the same standard for everyone, not just a select few.

To be right requires you to have a worldview based on reality.


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How to Develop Good Judgment

Good judgment never comes from book smarts but rather from street smarts. The school of hard knocks. There is a huge disconnect from what our schools and universities teach and what the real-world demands.

People with high IQs can and often do make some really stupid decisions.

What is it, then, that smart people do right? What qualities do they have that set them apart from the rest?

Mostly, they make better decisions, especially when it really matters.

“In life you only need to make a few good decisions, so long as you don’t make too many bad ones.” – Warren Buffett

Here are three effective strategies you can adopt in order to improve your judgment:

Be Honest about Current Reality: Although as created beings, one of the ways we are created similar to God is the attribute of rationality, we are also created with emotions, and almost always poor judgment is a result of being driven by our emotions without any regard to our rational side.

The very first thing we need is be honest about our own assumptions, prejudices and biases if we are going to be able to overcome them.

As created beings, we are created in the image of God with four common characteristics.  We are:

  • Rational – we have the ability to think and reason.
  • Volitional – we have the freedom to choose.
  • Emotional – we feel.
  • Relational – we long for relationship.

Be Proactive: People with great judgment are proactive in that they assume responsibility for their decisions and thus can live with their mistake. They are not self-deceived and do not seek to deceive others. People with good judgment are not afraid to make a decision because they have the integrity to be able to live with the decisions they make.

Learn from your Experiences: Once you are aware of your own assumptions, prejudices, and biases and accept responsibility for your decisions it then comes down to learning from those decisions, whether right or wrong.

 “Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.” – Henry Ford

The best decision-makers in the world succeed because they have the ability to capitalize from their mistakes, keep refining their judgment, and set their emotions in the rightful place. It’s this self-awareness and self-coachability enables them to become known for having world-class judgment. Every decision they make is another opportunity to learn and get better.

Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them. – Hosea 14:9 ESV


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Who but a “Champion” would commit to that kind of discipline??!!

A formal education will get you a job but only self-education will make you a champion.

Everybody is created by God with their own unique talents, gifts, and attributes.

When you can find that nexus of your passion, talents and what the world will pay you for, you will never work another day in your life.

Research and studies reveal that it takes 10,000 hours of diligent work, study and failures in a given field in order to become an expert. And almost always these 10,000 hours are spent after you’ve received your degree.

Jim Rohn once said that an EXPERT is someone who has reached a skill-level of a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. A skill level of 9, in almost every field if endeavor, is worth about $1,000,000 annually. Anyone earning that amount of money has likely spent at least 10,000 hours working in and improving their skill or talent.  That is why they are in the top 3% of wage earners. Think about this: 10,000 hours divided by 4 hours a day = 7 years.

Who but a “Champion” would commit to that kind of discipline??!!

“Education is not the learning of facts, it’s rather the training of the mind to think.” – Albert Einstein

The reason the 3% are the 3% is precisely because they “think” every day. They think about what they want to BE, want to DO and want to HAVE. That’s what separates the leaders & winners from the sheep.

Ask any super-star in any field of endeavor and you’ll find out the hard work and dedication and pain they went thru to reach the pinnacle. Many practiced and honed their skills for hours a day, every day until they reached “guru” status. Anyone can achieve anything they want if they put in consistent hard work and practice. Don’t let the current mentality tell you different.

So, what are you currently doing for yourself to become the best that you can be? Have you just settled that your formal education is enough? Or have you mapped out a plan for your 10,000 hours in your given field so that you can be the best that you can be.

Read great books! Expose yourself to new ideas and new people. I’ve heard from so many mentors of mine that the things that build you up and give you strength are the people that you surround yourself with and the books you read.

So, isn’t that what it speaks to, that self-education will make you a fortune when you are willing to continue to learn every single day?

Commit to being a lifelong learner and student of your business. Don’t give up on yourself. Feed your mind. Choose to be positive. We face so many daily obstacles in the whirlwind of the urgent that when we are constantly learning and trying to get better, it offsets the obstacles that we face and gives us the ability to get off that mat of life so much quicker.

So, where are you? Are you one of the mob that believes a formal education is enough, or are you a contrarian currently on a path to greatness in order to have a massive impact?

Are you willing to zig when others  zag and create the life you want?

We learn best from our mistakes.  The school of hard knocks is still the best school.

No one becomes a champion shot unless he wastes a lot of ammo.



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Never Mishire Again: To find, hire and keep only the best there is a five step process to follow.

Never Mishire Again: Here are the five steps to find, hire and keep only the right people for your business.  The 20% that will generate 80% of your results.

1. Be the kind of person/business that top performers want to be associated with.
• Be likable
• Be trustworthy
• Be competent

2. Know your Market – Know who your target audience is – first and foremost your best employees. What characteristics does your desired employee exhibit? Where do they come from?

3. Create your Message – What makes you appealing to your audience? Once you have a good picture or profile of what your target employee looks like, then create the message. What makes you unique? What are the benefits for this target audience, of working with you? What do they want to hear that is true of you?

4. Choose your Media – Once you know these things, you can now determine the best media outlet to use to reach them.
Where do they hang out? Where do they go to get their information? Where is the best place to reach them?.
To market and sell your business as the place they want to be employed, the very first thing you must do is to clarify who your ideal employee is, where to find them, what their challenges are, etc…Every marketing piece must know what your ideal employees and potential employees “hot buttons” are – what’s important and/or relevant to them. Once you find who your target audience truly is then you can know what those hot buttons are and how to get their attention.

Never forget the following principle:
You are better off running a weak ad to the right audience than you are running a strong ad to the wrong audience.

5. Keep them.
• Be more like a coach than a manager.
• Provide them with opportunities to be rewarded appropriately.
• Lead by principles not rules. Every rule has an exception, principles do not.
There are 6 major components to knowing your best people [Target Employee].

In some cases, you will need to survey or have conversations with existing employees to accurately identify your target audience. Good results come from good people. To gain more influence, identify the similarities within your target audience and work from there. Lead by walking around [LBWA] is the best way to initiate this dialogue.
• Sources of Information: Where does your target employee get their
• Demographic information: Where do your best people come from?
• Psychographic information: Why do they choose to work with you?
• Worldview: How do they view the world? What is their source of truth? Our decision-making process is influenced first by the way we think.
There are too many other things to worry about in your business without having to worry that your worldview is going to offend one of your employees and set them off in a negative and destructive way.
• What are their goals or values? What are their challenges and pain points or desires? What are they looking for regarding employment that you can offer?
• Objections: Why would someone choose not to work for you or your business?

All great companies and their leaders take recruiting the right people as their primary responsibility.

Never Mishire Again by following these 5 steps.

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Never Mishire Again: The Cost of a Bad Hire

Do you have any idea what a mishire costs your company? Hire only the right employees – the 20% that generate 80% of your revenue, profits, and cash flow. 

The absolute minimum cost is 3 months of that new hire’s pay — or $10,000, whichever is greater.

According to the National Business Research Institute (NBRI) depending on the position, a bad hire could set you back anywhere from $25,000 to $300,000.

Researchers examined five main factors to help them estimate the cost of a bad hire:

  • loss in productivity– the annual salary of the employee
  • training costs– 25% of the annual salary of the employee
  • HR recruiting costs– calculated using the average HR Generalist’s salary
  • interviewing costs– calculated using the average HR Generalist’s salary, and
  • employment ads for a new hire– anywhere from $100 to $1,600.

And according to an article by the Harvard Business Review as high as 80% of employee turn-over is due to bad hiring decisions.

Hiring the wrong person for any position is an expensive mistake. Besides the direct costs like wages, bonuses, benefits, severance pay and training the wrong person racks up indirect costs like decreased productivity, reduced quality, more supervision, lower morale of your “right” employees and lower customer satisfaction.

Good results come from good people:
“No company can grow revenues consistently faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company.” – Packard’s Law, David Packard, founder of Hewlett-Packard

The right employee, like the right customer is the 20% that generates 80% of your revenue, profits and cash flow.

The “right” employee is a major factor in attracting and keeping the right customer.

Most people keep coming back because they have a relationship of trust with someone in your organization.

We all get it that revenues, profits and cash flow all grow as the “right” customers are attracted to your business and because of this you can now be more selective in new customer acquisitions and concentrate even more resources toward acquiring these most profitable customers. It’s a great cycle to be in.

The cost benefits of attracting and retaining only the best employees which leads to the right customers, are driven directly from the relationship between long-term customers interacting with long-term employees and the way they learn from each other.

Motivated ideal employees stay with a business longer and get to know their customer better which leads to better service and relationships that leads to stronger customer loyalty and ultimately the company’s results of sales, profits and cash flow.

Long-term, loyal employees paint a much stronger picture of your strengths and weaknesses than any advertising could ever do.

Additionally, the birds-of-a-feather-flock-together principle plays a huge role here since people tend to associate with other like them.  That is similar values, psychographics and the like. Chances are really good the people your ideal/loyal employee refer are going to fit well with what you offer and will tend to have the same Lifetime Value.

Never mishire again because the cost are too high and the rewards for hiring right are too rewarding.

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