Does God Ask Us to See the Future? 

Live not by Lies not thru me

What is it that so many in America, and the world, fail to see?

The future.

Christians, real, true, traditional Christians are expected to see the future or at least listen to those who see it.

Do we heed the prophets or do we ignore their warnings as did the German Church in the 1930s?

Well, if you are merely one who dwells in Christiandom but are only a “professing christian” then you likely, like most progressive christians, do not take the Bible literally; you do not consider the Bible as inerrant and infallible and thus you have a problem understanding what you are seeing, which means America has a problem.

We have a problem because only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview (BWV) which means for 94%, their view of reality, past, present, and future is distorted. And worse yet, just slightly more than a third (37%) of American pastors have a biblical worldview. The majority—62%—embrace a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism.

When we don’t see the future from a Biblical Worldview [BWV] perspective, we fail to see that both our actions and inactions have consequences; just like the German Church eventually found out too late.

Part of our problem is the failure of so many to understand that inaction in times such as these is actually more damaging than the wrong actions.

It takes great courage to be a contrarian; to act or speak when the majority are not.

Sometimes it takes courage to remain silent but oftentimes it takes more courage to speak out when you know that what you are going to say is unpopular.

Find Your Voice: Have the courage to stand up to lies and speak truth.

Find the courage to share your thoughts not because you think it will change the minds of people who think differently than you but to show people who already think like you that they’re not alone and maybe inspire others to find theirs.

What are you willing to defend?

You either love truth or love lies – which are you?

Without the order of a Biblical Worldview, you get a future filled with chaos.


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