7 Habits of Highly Effective People

7 Habits of Highly Effective People are broken down into two categories and are sequential.

Private Victories which always precedes Public Victories.

Private Victory Habits:

  1. Be Proactive – the Principle of Self-Awareness, Personal Vision, and Responsibility.    Being proactive is more than just taking initiative. It is recognizing that you are responsible for your own choices and have the freedom to choose based on principles and values rather than moods and conditions.

2. Begin with the End in Mind – the Principle of Leadership, Vision, Purpose, and Mission. We first create a mental VISION for the finished project. We always have a clear PURPOSE in mind. Identify and commit to the principles, relationships, and purposes that matter most.

3. Put 1st Things 1st – the Principle of Managing Time and Priorities Around Roles and Goals. This habit is about organizing and executing around our most important priorities not by the urgent agendas and forces surrounding us.  This teaches you how and what to FOCUS on and Fix Next. You will KNOW what to say ‘Yes’ to and what to say ‘No’ to with confidence.

Public Victory Habits:

4. Think Win-Win (or No Deal) – the Principle of Seeking Mutual Benefit. Thinking win-win is a frame of mind and heart that seeks mutual benefit and mutual respect in all interactions. It’s thinking in terms of abundance and opportunity rather than scarcity and adversarial competition.  SERVITUDE HEART

5. Seek First to Understand then to Be Understood – the Principle of Empathetic Communication. When we listen with the intent to understand, rather than simply to reply, we begin true communication and relationship building.   Opportunities to speak openly and be understood come much more naturally and easily. Seeking to understand takes consideration; seeking to be understood takes courage. Effectiveness lies in the balancing or blending of the two.

6. Synergize – the Principle of Creative Cooperation. This is the 3rd Alternative – not my way, not your way, but a third way that is better than either of us would come up with on our own. It’s the fruit of respecting, valuing and even celebrating the differences. It’s the creative cooperation of 1 + 1 = 3, 11, 111…

7. Sharpen the Saw – the Principle of Continuous Improvement. Sharpening the saw is about constantly renewing ourselves in the four basic areas of life: physical, social/emotional, mental and spiritual.

The first three Habits can be summarized in a very simple four-word expression: Make and keep promises. (Note: it isn’t just about honoring a commitment, it’s also about having the courage of character to make a commitment because you know you’ll honor it). 

The next three habits can be summarized: Involve people in the problem and work out the solution together. 

You will never master these habits, but by simply working on them on a daily basis, you will set yourself up for the success highly effective people enjoy.

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Climate Change Predicted in Revelation:

Revelation 6 through 8 predicts the destruction of the earth’s ecology during the Tribulation.

The first four trumpets (Rev 8:1 – 9:21) announce the divine destruction of the earth’s ecology.

So, in a sense, these leftist climate change mongers are correct.  Earth’s ecology is going to be destroyed, which WILL facilitate the destruction of billions of lives; what they get wrong, is that there is nothing we can do about it.

Yes, as commanded by God in Genesis, man is to be responsible overseers of and protectors of the ecology, and there are actually some good ideas by these climate change mongers, but the full agenda they advocate is not Gods will, but rather likely Satan’s.

You can even see the anger, deceit, and hatred (all characteristics of the father of lies) these people espouse that borders on insanity.

It comes back to world 🌎 view again.

In the final analysis, there are really only two worldviews.

God’s, the Creator of the universe – which is called a Biblical Worldview (BWV) and all others, which we can call Satan’s.

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Think Like Jesus: A Biblical Worldview

At the time Barna took his survey [2003] there were 210M adults in America of which 175M or 83% claimed to be Christian but when asked questions that reveal their true nature, we get a different view of reality.

Professing christians, call themselves Christian but have not made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ or do not believe they will go to heaven simply because they accept Jesus as their Savior – these are labeled “Not Born-again Christian.”

Questions Designed to Determine Whether ONE IS A Born-Again Christian:

Have you ever made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is still important in your life today?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don’t know

The following statements are about what will happen to you after you die. Answer which ONE of these statements best describes your own belief about this issue. Which comes closest to what you believe?

  1. When I die, I will go to heaven because I have tried to obey the Ten Commandments.
  2. When I die, I will go to Heaven because I am basically a good person.
  3. When I die, I will go to Heaven because I have confessed my sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior.
  4. When I die, I will go to Heaven because God loves all people and will not let them perish.
  5. When I die, I will not go to Heaven.
  6. I do not know what will happen after I die.
  7. Other (Explain):
  8. Don’t know.

NOTE: A respondent is categorized as “born again” if they say “yes” to the first question and choose option 3 above in response to the second question. All other response patterns classify the individual as a non-born-again Christian.

The next level are those we can label Born-again Christians [80M; 38% of the 210M or 46% of 175m who profess to be christian] which includes people who have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as their Savior but have not yet accepted Him as their Lord. They do not believe in absolute moral truth or make choices by following Biblical Principles or do not possess a Biblical stand on the six belief statements regarding salvation, trust in the Bible, personal responsibility to evangelize, Satan’s existence, Jesus’ sinless life, and the nature of God.

The final level, are those who are Born-again Christian with a Biblical Worldview (BWV). Only 3% of the total American population is Born-Again Christian with a Biblical Worldview – 7 million of the 210 million adults!!  [9% of the Born Again Christians; or only 4% of “professing christians”].

These are people who have accepted Jesus as not only their Savior but also their Lord; they accept there is absolute moral truth and make their moral choices based on the principles of the Bible; trust Christ for their salvation; and have a worldview that reflects the six key faith issues (salvation, trust in the Bible as the absolute inerrant and infallible Word of God, Personal responsibility to evangelize, Satan’s existence, Jesus’ sinless life and the nature of God).

Having a Biblical Worldview (BWV) will help answer these 7 critical questions:

  1. Does God exist?
  2. What is the character and nature of God?
  3. How and why was the world created?
  4. What is the nature and purpose of man [humanity]?
  5. What happens after we die on earth?
  6. What spiritual authorities exist?
  7. What is truth?

There is no more critical thing you can develop within yourself than that of a Biblical Worldview.

Those without a BWV will make wrong decisions on some level for almost every issue under the sun.

Why? Because they start with faulty, wrong, or corrupt assumptions. And when you start with wrong assumptions, you come to wrong conclusions.

Living without a BWV also makes you a SNIOP – Susceptible to the Negative Influences of Other People.

SNIOPS are easily influenced by the superficial – like fake news because deep down they know they don’t know.

[Swiped from the book by George Barna of the same title]

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Primary Greatness

Harvard Business professor Amy Cuddy spent 15 years studying how business leaders can make a good first impression. She distilled her research into two questions people subconsciously ask when meeting someone.

Can I trust this person?

Can I respect this person? 

Primary Greatness is who you really are – your character, your integrity, your deepest motives and desires. It is achieved by those who have a mission and a purpose to serve that is higher than themselves, a lasting contribution to make.

Primary Greatness is principle-centered; God-centered; based on a Biblical worldview and is where your private victories come from.

Private Victories is a result of exercising your primary greatness and always precedes Public Victories.  Work on character first. Personality will naturally follow.

Shallow, immature people work on personality. They are constantly “selling” themselves to others.  To focus on personality before character is to grow the leaves without the roots.

Secondary Greatness is what the world acknowledges – popularity, title, position, fame, fortune, honors, possessions.

Three ‘C’s of Primary Greatness:

Competence: Demonstrates authority. Can I respect this person?

Character: Demonstrates integrity. Can I trust this person?

Communication: Demonstrates clarity of competence and character so people listen and want to follow your advice.  You can have character strength but lack effective communication skills – and that will effectively negate competence & character.

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