Narrow Vs Broad Way

Narrow Vs Broad WayHave you noticed that it’s always the road less traveled, the Narrow Path (Matthew 7:14) that leads to life?

Everyone chooses a path in life – one is the well-traveled road of the mob which always leads to the ho-hum of mediocrity (and even meanness & tyranny) and the other leads to some form of greatness and meaning.

The path to greatness is a sequential growth from the Inside out.

The narrow way is where you find your true identity, your own “voice” of uniqueness and in doing so you inspire others to find their own “voice”.

Those who take the narrow path to greatness and meaning rise above the mob mentality and CHOOSE to become their own creative force in their lives.

Our power to discover our own Voice lies in the potential of the gifts God gave all of us at birth.  Our birth-Gifts.

We are all born in the image of God our Creator with the aspiration To Live, To Love, To Learn, and To Leave a Legacy

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost.

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Live Life in Crescendo

Live Life in Crescendo


I think if you were to talk to my grown children, the most reassuring thing my wife and I shared with them when they were young was “Today is the first day of the rest of your lives; today is a do-over.”

One of my favorite shows is Blue Blood with Tom Selleck. He gave similar advice to his children when things seemed tough, “It’s what you do next that matters.”

The most important work you will ever do is always ahead of you.

Crescendo is a musical term. It means to play with ever greater energy and volume, with strength and striving.

No matter your age or position in life, if you live according to the principles of a Biblical Worldview you are never finished contributing because your worldview will be accurate and complete.


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Primary Greatness

Harvard Business professor Amy Cuddy spent 15 years studying how business leaders can make a good first impression. She distilled her research into two questions people subconsciously ask when meeting someone.

Can I trust this person?

Can I respect this person? 

Primary Greatness is who you really are – your character, your integrity, your deepest motives and desires. It is achieved by those who have a mission and a purpose to serve that is higher than themselves, a lasting contribution to make.

Primary Greatness is principle-centered; God-centered; based on a Biblical worldview and is where your private victories come from.

Private Victories is a result of exercising your primary greatness and always precedes Public Victories.  Work on character first. Personality will naturally follow.

Shallow, immature people work on personality. They are constantly “selling” themselves to others.  To focus on personality before character is to grow the leaves without the roots.

Secondary Greatness is what the world acknowledges – popularity, title, position, fame, fortune, honors, possessions.

Three ‘C’s of Primary Greatness:

Competence: Demonstrates authority. Can I respect this person?

Character: Demonstrates integrity. Can I trust this person?

Communication: Demonstrates clarity of competence and character so people listen and want to follow your advice.  You can have character strength but lack effective communication skills – and that will effectively negate competence & character.

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Right Thinking Leads to Right Results

Right thinking leads to right actions, which leads to right results.

Wrong thinking leads to wrong actions, which leads to wrong results.

No matter how successful he might appear, the wrong thinker is a slave to his wrongness.

He makes many plans that don’t ever seem to work out. He is constantly torn between duty and desire.

His life is constantly oscillating between tension and internal friction.

Rarely can he do as he pleases and ends up often doing things he would rather avoid.

The problem is that unbeknownst to him, he is being deprived of opportunities because he has proven his untrustworthiness in a myriad of small things.

When honest people get his number, they simply ignore him or frustrate him.

Honest people of integrity, no longer associate with him on free and easy terms and seldom does he even know it.

There are numerous people who go thru life never knowing what they don’t know simply because they have destroyed others confidence in them, and just never know it.

A man, woman or entity of integrity has nothing to fear and nothing to hide. They are transparent and authentic.

Conversely, the man, woman or entity that does not have integrity has everything to fear and is rarely authentic and transparent.

Make a point of being honestly authentic.

The habitually dishonest person bases much of his thinking on false assumptions by not viewing current reality honestly, thus he is constantly coming to wrong conclusions.

Honesty and integrity make you invulnerable to other people’s troubles and doesn’t cause trouble for yourself or your business.

Dishonest (wrong) thinkers are constantly seeking something for nothing and blame others for their troubles because they fail to recognize the truth of the Principle of Inside-out.

“What causes trouble for a person is less a lack of intelligence than a lack of honest thought.” – Richard Wetherill, Right is Might












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