A Biblical perspective on Legal vs illegal immigration

Many of the differences we see today between the radical Progressive-left mentality and the Christian conservative mentality come down to common (maybe we should call it rare) sense born of irrational vs rational thought.

The immigration debate is one such instance.

Every democrat/progressive I attempt to have a conversation with regarding this issue seems to be getting their talking points directly from MSM (aka as the Democratic propaganda networks)

“ger” vs “nokiry”

An immigrant in the Bible is a person who moves to another country with the intent of living there indefinitely.

Most Bible translations do not use the word “immigrant” but typically use “stranger”, “foreigner”, “alien”, or “sojourner”.

The Bible was originally written using 11,280 Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek words, but the typical English translations use only about 6,000 words. Obviously, nuances and shades of meaning can be missed. That is why it is important to not only read different translations & interpretations but also go back to the original language.

There were two different Hebrew words used for immigrant. “Ger” was used in Leviticus 24:22 (NIV) for  ”alien” while “nokiry” is used in Deuteronomy 15:3 for “foreigner”.

When you read all the Biblical passages you will see that the  “ger” was held to different standards than the “nokiry”. It appears very apparent that God’s laws did not mandate a “citizen-of-the-world” philosophy that treated citizens (legal) and non-citizens (illegal) with equal status.

“Ger” is like an invited guest; like someone who comes to contribute.

Analogy: A stranger comes knocking on my door asking for help so I invite him into my home.


I come home and find my front door kicked in and a stranger (“nokiry”) standing in my kitchen demanding my help.

“ger” contributes, asks humbly and is thankful.

“nokiry” takes and is demanding and ungrateful.

Humanity is seen by three different worldviews:

  1. Some see man as inherently good and any problems are simply caused by lack of man-made solutions – Lack of money or lack of education.   This is the doctrine of liberalism and the Democratic Party.  “The modern liberal believes man is born morally good and only turns evil because of their environment and/or circumstances.” 
  2. Some see man as inherently evil and of little intrinsic value, thus they need to be controlled by any means possible. Need to be controlled by dictators  or tyrants. [ironically, the controllers are equally evil]. This is the doctrine of countries like China, Russia, N Korea, Venezuela – communist, socialist, marxist countries.
  3. Then there is the Christian [Biblical]  Conservative worldview; man was originally created good, in the image of God, but then sin infected the human race. Thus humans have great capability for evil, but Jesus entered the world to take sin upon himself for His chosen ones; those who repent and the Holy Spirit empowers to live in righteousness.  In other words, man is born morally corrupt and only by seeking God can we have any hope of achieving moral goodness.

No issue has a greater influence on determining your social or political views than whether you view human nature as basically good or not. If you believe people are born good, you will attribute evil to forces outside the individual.” – Dennis Prager

This is why liberal politicians and their adherents believe in gun control, welfare, free housing and that Islamists destroy themselves and others because of external issues such as poverty or more ludicrously, lack of kindness shown them.

This is why having a Biblical Worldview is so critical.

If you do not recognize evil, judge it or confront it, you will be incapable of fighting it.


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We Cannot Remain Silent in The Face of Evil

David v Goliath

Today’s American church shows alarming parallels to the German church of the 1930’s.  The so-called “christians” of the German church remained silent in the face of evil and one has to wonder if had they had had more Diedrich Bonhoeffer’s would the incredible evil of Hitler ever been unleashed?

When the train cars filled with dissidents would pass through town, those in the German church during Hitler’s reign would simply sing more loudly so as to drown out the cries of those in the boxcars heading to their gruesome deaths.  “Sing with us they would say and do not worry about all the other issues out there. They do not concern us. Our job is to focus on God, and to pretend we can do so without fighting for those He loves, for those whose lives and futures are being destroyed before our very eyes.”

 Diedrich Bonhoeffer was one of those dissident voices during the reign of Hitler. He called the German church to be God’s church in their time. He said that those who call themselves Christians have an obligation to God to get “political” if necessary and to take a bold  – and likely dangerous – stand against their own government. The Germans and the world at large failed to heed his warning.

As believers, we all encounter ambiguous situations. But adopting a secular worldview, in whole or in part, is not “loving your neighbor.” Living as a courageous Christian who stands for the truth and extends an arm of love to others while never sacrificing the principles of God’s Word is what it means to “love your neighbor.”

Jesus was not crucified for what he did. He was crucified for what he said. Jesus was divisive. He challenged the practices and prejudices of the establishment of the time. He openly confronted the leaders of his day for their lack of spiritual substance. He was loving, BUT he was not considered nice to those who disagreed with him.  While love (grace) and truth are optimal, are you more likely to be obedient to God through truth without love or love without truth?

And what if Jesus does not return for another 100 years or maybe 1,000?  What life will we leave our children, our grandchildren?  I for one am not willing to simply kneel and acquiesce. Even David, after kneeling and praying, stood up and picked up a rock.

“Live like Jesus is coming back tomorrow but be deciding like He is coming back in 1oo years.”

That is occupying the culture until He comes.”

Satan is VERY powerful right now.  Worldview, culture, and politics are inseparable, and for anyone, especially church leaders, to say Christians have no business getting involved in any of those is doing a terrible, terrible disservice to God’s Children. If we do not get involved and influence culture and politics, then who do we leave it to?    Answer: Satan and his minions.

Other questions we should all ponder:

  • Had you been living in the early 19th century America; would you have said it was a sin to help slaves escape to freedom after the Dred Scott decision that said Blacks were mere property and could be owned and sold like chattel? Would you have instructed fellow believers to patiently wait and pray for the Supreme Court to reverse itself – while leaving millions of their fellow brothers and sisters in slavery?


  • Had you been living in the 1920’s and ‘30s, would you have told fellow believers to stand down and simply pray while certain Americans deemed unfit to reproduce were forcibly sterilized simply because the Supreme Court said the practice was constitutional in their 1927 Buck v Bell decision?


  • Had you been living in the 1940’s, would you have told fellow believers to stand down and pray while innocent American citizens of Japanese descent were forced into internment camps causing many to lose their homes, businesses, and families – all because the Supreme Court said it was constitutional to do so in their 1944 Korematsu v United Sates decision?


  • Had YOU been living in 1944 Germany, would you have encouraged your fellow believers to simply stand down and pray while millions of Jews and other political dissidents, including many Christians, were rounded up and placed into internment camps where they were forced into slave labor and worked to death or were gassed and had their bodies cremated in massive furnaces?


  • How many millions of lives would have been saved had the “Church” stood up as one and forcefully denounced and spoke out against the unconstitutional Supreme Court decision on abortion?

The evil that has fallen on the world in general and America specifically has, for countless generations, persuaded many in the American Church to believe that to fight this evil is to abandon the “Gospel.”  This is not only pure nonsense but supremely deceptive and is a satanic lie designed purely to silence those who would speak out in truth.

Where did we ever get the idea that we should not express any number of things too loudly? Where did we ever get the idea that we should not be at the forefront of criticizing the Great evil of Communism? Who decided that being too political means not being Gospel-oriented?

The truly faithful have always been called to speak the truth and to fight against injustice of any kind.  We are obliged to courageously bring our faith to bear on all issues.

So those who want us to behave as if there is nothing to worry about and to think that we should avoid fighting this evil at every corner are mistaken.

Can silence be construed as condoning something?  Yes. Romans 1:26-32: Even condoning sin, is sin.

In the Old Testament God sent prophets to call the people of God to actually be the people of God. Scripture appears to be clear that when God’s people did not act like God’s people, God sent His prophets; but if the prophet’s warnings went unheeded, judgment fell. We are on that same cliffs edge right now.

Christians have allowed this collapse by remaining silent, but we can no longer afford to be silent.

For Christians, love of neighbor DOES NOT MEAN obeying the commands of false worldviews (Matthew 22:34-39).

For Christians, love of neighbor DOES MEAN you do what God commands, not what the world demands, and from that God-obeying stance, reach out to others in grace and truth.

On the final day, is God going to be more concerned with whether you were loving or is He going to ask if you were obedient to the truth?

The lesson from Bonhoeffer’s life and the Holocaust is that we cannot remain silent in the face of evil.

Every action we take has one of two effects: either it helps bring down a foretaste of heaven or it helps establish a hell on earth. Either we are a part of the world’s brokenness or we are helping God make the world righteous by working with him to change it. Either the reign of God is being established or the reign of Satan is being advanced. So, every time you nod your head to a lie, you are helping to create hell on earth. If you are choosing between being divided by truth or united by lies, ALWAYS choose division by truth. 

The Great Commission and the Cultural Commission are Inseparable

Culture is a decidedly human phenomenon, arising out of our creation by God in His image and likeness. It is essentially a relational activity. We either build or tear down, there is no middle ground.

Unfortunately, in our highly pluralistic culture, those of us who claim to be Evangelical, Born-Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview make up a paltry 6% of the American population.

This is why having a Biblical Worldview is so critical.

If you do not recognize evil, judge it, or confront it, you will be incapable of fighting it.

The failure to understand the capacity of evil in man is what has brought us to this brink of chaos and tyranny.

Maybe we have lost our influence over the culture because the church has focused solely on the Great Commission of saving souls and has neglected to save/build the culture as the Cultural Commission [Genesis 1:26-28] commanded.

“Let’s think about what this means for each of us.  We were redeemed from sin. But is that it? Redeemed just to wait for heaven and life to come? We are, also, redeemed for something.  As Christ’s ambassadors, we have the privilege of carrying out His work in culture.  Christians tend to make much of Christ’s resurrection (past) and His second coming (future) – but they forget that He is alive and active all around us right now.”  ~ Chuck Colson, Colson Fellows Biblical Worldview Foundation

If you were in a small boat, unaware of the deadly Rapids a mile downriver, and a local on the bank of the river failed to tell you, his silence would be scandalous! In fact, in some countries, his silence about the dangers ahead would be a crime called – “non-assistance to persons in danger.”
Christians know things non-Christians do not; like Heaven and hell and their eternal consequences.  Could our being “judged” by the fools of this world be far less painful than being judged by Christ in the next if we neglect to warn of the dangers ahead?


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The Invincible Secret Weapon

The Invincible Weapon is guerilla warfare.

In any war, the big problem is not the invasion, it is the occupation.

In the 1960’s and 70’s the most powerful army in the world, USA, was beaten by a bunch of rice farmers armed mostly with light shoulder weapons.

In 1994, in Somalia, they were beaten again by small bands of militia armed again with light shoulder weapons.

In the 1980’s Russian armed forces were beaten by primitive Afghan tribesmen armed with light shoulder weapons. And again in 1996 they were defeated by Chechens armed with light shoulder weapons.

Guerillas prevent occupation.

The guerilla operates on the principle that a soldier cannot shoot what it cannot find.

And the guerilla is not much interested in killing privates or corporals. They want Generals and Colonels and if they are not on the field, they will take out Majors, Captains and Lieutenants. In other words, they’ll take out the highest ranking leader on the field. And he has no intention of making his move unless he can do it and slip away quickly and quietly.

Here’s an example scenario: In the woods near an enemy base, he places a mortar in a hole. He aims the mortar at the enemy’s headquarters or barracks, then fills in the hole so that the muzzle of the mortar is exactly level with the ground. He places a flat rock over the muzzle, scatters some leaves for camouflage, then goes home.

A couple of months later under the cover of darkness he goes back to the mortar hole and drops six mortar rounds, replaces the rock, and goes home.

A few months later he does it again, and then again and again…

That’s guerilla warfare. Hit and run.

An occupation army needs to have a different mental and emotional makeup then an invasion army.

An invasion army requires well equipped expert warriors who can punch through the enemy’s defenses and establish bases for the occupation forces.

An occupation army needs to be made up of cold-blooded homicidal maniacs.

Should America ever be “invaded” it’s going to be by UN troops or other foreign troops allowed in through a porous border over the course of several years as illegal immigrants.

Our own armed forces will need to be emasculated or indoctrinated as communist sympathizers. [SOUND FAMILIAR?]

The only way to kill guerillas is to kill everyone.

Think Lt. William Calley, My Lai, Vietnam. 500 men, women and children were massacred by American troops out of frustration.

Six decades before Vietnam, during the early conquest of the Philippines, American General Jacob Smith, out of frustration at being unable to defeat ill-equipped Philippine guerillas, ordered the killing of any and all men, women and children our troops could find.  220,000 men, women and children were slaughtered.

The only way to defeat guerillas is to kill everyone.

If we ever get into this situation, remember this if you need a boost of ruthlessness.

The person now occupying the WH in 2022 has said that patriots would be no match against F-14’s. [remember when he threatened Trump supporters if we ever thought of fighting back?]

In Vietnam, a country smaller than California, US aircraft dropped three times the tonnage of bombs that were dropped in all of WWII on it during the course of our conflict – which we lost.

That comes out to 1,000 pounds of explosives for every man, woman and child in the country.

The ONLY way to win a guerilla war is through ethnic cleansing.

  1. The political ideology in power would have to identify who the “ethnic” guerillas or potential guerillas were.
  2. They would then have to either
  3. Convince the masses of the evilness of this “ethnic” group. [We unvaxxed already know how easy this is] so there would be no public outcry.
  4. Employ foreign troops or mercenaries.

In the past, I would not be at all concerned about our own government being this evil, but times have changed and Satan now has this Democrat Party by the cahoonas.

By-the way: The rule of thumb among military experts is that conventional troops need a minimum six-to-one numerical superiority over guerillas. Some even go as high as ten-to-one, in addition to helicopters and all other technological advantages.

In Vietnam, it took three B-52’s and 80 tons of bombs to kill one guerilla while it only took one guerilla with a $300 hunting (sniper) rifle to keep a whole battalion of Marines tied up for days.

General Eisenhower estimated that 2,800 French guerillas were worth 15 infantry divisions. A division is 5,000 to 10,000 troops.

In 1998, the Turkish government had 200,000 regular troops committed to fighting 1,200 Kurdish guerillas.

Incidentally, this is why our Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment.

They knew that the most effective defense is the one that focuses on making the country difficult to occupy by enemies – foreign or domestic.


The Swiss Defense System:

Switzerland has the best track record of staying out of wars.

How have they done this?

In Switzerland, a man joins the militia at age 20 and remains until age 50. [A militia is all able-bodied adult males of good character]

Each militia member trains regularly, keeps his rifle and ammunition in his home ready at a moment’s notice.

They are trained to be snipers.

Marksmanship is a national sport in Switzerland.

There is a Swiss saying: “Switzerland does not have an army; Switzerland is an army. It is an entire nation of Minutemen.”


Strategic Guerilla Warfare of Switzerland as Taught to Their Citizens

  • Shoot the highest-ranking leader from a concealed position then disappear.
  • DO NOT engage the enemy in an extended battle.
  • Every Swiss household is required to have a military-style gun and every adult citizen is taught how to use it.

If you will read Federalist Papers number 20, 42, and 43 by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton you will find that our Founding Fathers studied the Swiss System carefully when creating our American system.

The Second and the Tenth Amendments bear the special imprint of Swiss thinking. (one of those thoughts was to STAY OUT of the affairs of other countries, especially wars. Notice that the only president in modern history to follow this line of thinking was Trump)

If America today was still modeled after this Swiss Defense System, we would have a militia-guerilla system of defense 50 million strong. This means an enemy (foreign or domestic) would need, at a minimum, 300 million troops.

Here is the EXACT wording of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The amendment does not give permission for a well-regulated militia; it requires one.  

 The objective of this militia defense system is not to kill the enemy’s troops. It is to kill enemy leaders.  Generals, Colonels or someone higher.  In other words, cut off the head of the snake.


I have read all of Richard J. Maybury’s practical books based on historical truth and was the source of most of this essay.

In the 1960’s he was a member of the 605th Air Commando Squadron and worked directly with the CIA’s notorious School of the Americas whose job was to teach anti-guerilla warfare to foreign troops for the likes of Manuel Noriega.

This experience is where he draws upon this knowledge and where he realized the tremendous advantage guerillas have over regular troops.


The Second Amendment was not written so that we would have the right to hunt or even defend ourselves.

It was written specifically so that We the People would have the means to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government and even overthrow it if need be.

We The People ARE the Invincible Weapon

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Propaganda – from No Reason To Hide by Erwin Lutzer

Live Not by LiesEvery mainstream media outlet and some alternative ones present some form of propaganda.

But generally speaking, it is the left (aka Marxist progressives) who are in control of the narrative.

Leftist news outlets and politicians’ goal is to make us weary of standing up against their bizarre ideas of sexuality, race, and justice.

If they can cause us to lose heart, they know it will be easier to get us to submit and tell ourselves “The wolf is at the door; just let him in.”

But, before we resign ourselves to giving up, we must understand that the battle is often won or lost through an assault on words which is ultimately a war on ideas.

The radical Marxist left wants to use words not just to win the debate but to cancel debate altogether.

They want to destroy the influence of those who disagree with them. They want to use propaganda to limit and control our thoughts


The purpose of propaganda is to reshape peoples worldview (views of reality) by redefining reality.

The long-term goal is always about power.

The ultimate goal is to make them obedient to the dictates of a leader or group of elites who tell us they are committed to “what is best for the people.”

Eventually, people will suspend their judgment, set aside what they know to be true, and join the “masses”. i.e. Herd instinct.

Propaganda makes lies credible.

When we are not open to the possibility of being wrong, propaganda is more readily able to accomplish its purpose.

Jesus repeatedly said, “He who has ears to hear, let hear” (Matthew 11:15). He was saying that there is no one as deaf as someone whose heart is not open to truth.

George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-four after spending time pondering the rise of communist Russia and Hitler’s chilling control of Germany.

The Encyclopedia Britannica summarizes the book 1984 in this way:

Its depiction of a state where daring to think differently is rewarded with torture, where people are monitored every second of the day, and where party propaganda trumps free speech and thought is a sobering reminder of the evils of unaccountable governments.

To do this, lies must be sweetened to make them easier to swallow.

Humans do not always need words for feelings, but we do need them for thought, especially complex thought. And that is why Big Brother is at war with language. He wants to make it less useful for examining ideas by reducing the power of words to the barest expressions. Newspeak is his tool for keeping his subjects permanently inarticulate.

Word control is intended to bring about thought control.

Aldous Huxley, in his book Brave New World, described a totalitarian state:

A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and schoolteachers.

The goal is for people to love their servitude and accept the controlling narrative, which is designed to limit what they say and what they are allowed to think.

Isaiah wrote in Scripture: “Woe to those who call evil good”.  You can only call evil good if you rename the evil; to say it differently, good words must be used to camouflage the evil. But, to call evil good is only half the task; the other half is to call that which is good evil. Language must be manipulated to accomplish this.

In a nutshell, Propaganda is telling people what they want to hear, then giving them what you want to have. The goal is to make a lie to appear to be true. Also known as gaslighting.

To paraphrase Voltaire, “Those who can make you believe the bizarre can make you commit atrocities,” And if people can be made to believe a lie, they will live as if the lie were the truth.

George Orwell called this verbal sleight of hand Newspeak.

A revolution can be brought about only when you have slogan that is hard to speak against (and of course you need an enemy to hate). Slogans like Climate Change, Black Lives Matter, Social Justice… They all sound like something everyone can and should support, but when you unpack what they really mean you discover it involves the restructuring or more accurately deconstructing the whole order of society.

Take social justice. When you unpack what it really is all about is gender identity, Critical Race Theory, socialism and equity.

Propagandists are very adept at slogans. They say one thing but really mean another.

When Hitler starved children he called it “putting them on a low-calorie diet.”  Killing Jews was “cleansing the land,” and euthanasia was “a compassionate use of medical therapy.”

Remember: Propaganda is telling people what they want to hear, then giving them what you want to have.

The radical Progressive Left does not use language to describe reality, but rather to create a “reality” they want you to believe and accept.

Orwell wrote in his book 1984, “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.”

In this same book, Mr. Winston was expected to say 2 + 2 = 5, it was not so much an attempt to convince him of this, but rather, to get him accustomed to speaking lies and doubting his own judgment. If he could speak lies, he could live by lies.   Remember Common Core?  How many of our children have been brainwashed by this lie (not to mention their parents as well?

Big Brother’s goal is a population so dependent on the government it is willingly controlled.

Do you remember during the George Floyd riots seeing a reporter with burning cars and buildings in the background, saying that the demonstrations were “largely peaceful.” So riots can be described as “peaceful,” looting is “redistributive justice,” and those who break the law to enter the US are not illegal immigrants but “undocumented workers.”  And a criminal is “a person who has issues with the law,” which implies the real culprit is the law itself.

The left is using words to attempt to reorder reality when they tell us “That man you see competing in sports is actually a woman.”

The university that will not allow a conservative to speak on campus does so in the name of tolerance. And the mother who kills her unborn child is simply making a healthcare decision.

They tell us drag queens are artists who should be welcomed to libraries to speak to children. “Drag is art,” writes Jaden Amos, who reports for NPR.

When the goal of language is not truth but ideology and power, the totalitarian state has already arrived.

Many universities and colleges have policies narrowing the realm of permissible speech, reducing students to silence and ultimately ignorance due to a lack of critical thinking skills.

The reason for this madness is NOT to elevate the conversation, but to silence it. The goal is to produce students who graduate with ideological conformity; those who do not comply are intimidated and canceled.

The left is very intolerant of the three C’s that shaped America: Christianity, the Constitution and capitalism.

Research by the Cato Institute reported that nearly half of the students aged 13-22 said they stopped speaking up in the classroom because of the prevailing atmosphere of intolerance and political correctness.

The goal of the Progressive Marxist Left is to imprison the mind. Eventually, people will not be able to object to any radical leftist ideas no matter how bizarre because there will be no vocabulary for doing so; the words will have been banned.

The debate is no longer about ideas, but about bigotry and hate.

The left wants to pass hate speech legislation to shut down the expression of conservative ideas on the pretense that they are hateful and cause harm. In a strange twist of irony, the left will sometimes even justify violence as “free speech.”

Anywhere Communism/Socialism/Marxism has been installed, Gulags and death ALWAYS follow.

Russia used the tactic of labeling dissidents as mentally deranged. In effect the government says, “Challenge our idea, and we will declare you mentally ill and need to be locked away in an insane asylum.”

The radical left says, “You disagree with me? See a therapist.”

In propaganda, ideology controls the “facts” rather than the facts controlling the ideology. Therefore, “facts” are carefully selected to fit the narrative.

Take Canada as an example of our future here in the USA where even true statements can end up being banned. “Not all truthful statements must be free from restriction,” said Canada’s Supreme Court justice Marshall Rothstein.

Propaganda does not just control what is being said, but also what is not being said.

Look at how the media covered the Kyle Rittenhouse story. He was vilified as a racist because he was white (even though the three people he shot defending himself were themselves all white). He was labeled a “white supremacist” and belonged to a militia and “carried a gun across state lines.”  All of which were lies propagated by leftist news media.

Contrast this with the story of Darrell E. Brooks after he deliberately drove his van into people who were celebrating a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin in December 2021 killing six people. Some news outlets never even carried the story and within days it all but vanished from the news.

Rittenhouse shot three people in self-defense; Brooks deliberately killed as many people as he could. But his story died because it could not be exploited for racial or political purposes.

So propaganda does not just control what is being said, but also what is not being said.

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Optimism is not Hope

David v GoliathTrue Christians need to understand the difference between Christian optimism and Christian hope.

Despair and optimism are too often treated as different sides of the same coin.

The issue is both promote inaction. One out of a sense of helplessness and the other out of ignorance.

It is also why the doctrine of unlimited submission taught by too many in the church is not only wrong but destructive.

One of my favorite authors of the last several years is Rod Dreher, who wrote Live Not by Lies.

He has often been accused of being a pessimist, but he responds by saying “I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but I am hopeful.”

Optimism is the belief that everything will always turn out for the best if we just all sit tight and wait.

Christian hope however is realistic. Because Christianity above all else is a worldview, the only worldview of reality. It understands that things are not the way they are supposed to be and that this world is not our home and so we should not expect it to provide us the comfort of home.

That is not to say we should not be grateful for what we have been given in this world.

But it does mean that when things go wrong and it appears the enemy is winning, I must not despair but must work to the best of my ability to right such wrongs.

Even David, after kneeling in prayer, stood up, picked up a rock, and proceeded to defeat Goliath.

Our current world seems to be entering a darkly chaotic and uncharted era. But, if we who call ourselves true Christians, children of God, give up in despair, then who will battle the evilness spreading across our land?

We need to never stop preparing ourselves for battle by staying informed, maintaining a passion for truth and the courage to stand up for that truth, knowing what we believe and why, and worshipping God worthy as true disciples.



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When dating, finding out where the person you are dating stands on the subject is crucial.

Courtship dating

Complementarianism vs. egalitarianism—which view is biblically correct?

On the one side are the egalitarians who believe there are no gender distinctions and that since we are all one in Christ, women and men are interchangeable when it comes to functional roles in leadership and in the household.

The complementarian view believes in the essential equality of men and women as persons (i.e., as human beings created in God’s image), but complementarians hold to gender distinctions when it comes to functional roles in society, the church, and the home.

What is truly the crux of this issue that many egalitarians fail to understand is that a difference in role does not equate to a difference in quality, importance, or value. Men and women are equally valued in God’s sight and plan. Women are not inferior to men. Rather, God assigns different roles to men and women in the church and the home because that is how He designed us to function.

The functional hierarchy within the Trinity demonstrates the reality of both distinction and equality (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:3). The Holy Spirit is submissive to the Father and the Son, as is the Son to the Father. While the three Persons are equally God, their differences in function do not entail commensurate inferiority of essence. Women and men both bear the same image of God and are equally human, but they also have God-ordained tasks and responsibilities that correspond to the functional hierarchy of the Trinity.

Nearly all marital arguments center on these three issues:



Power – Power is the conflict addressed in this worldview issue. Who’s making the decisions; who’s in control?

When dating, finding out where the person you are dating stands on the subject is crucial. This can be the clincher for some couples. After all, before getting married, you’ll want to know if the other person agrees with your views on headship, marital roles, etc. Ask God in prayer where you are inclined, and be sure your position is well-supported by the Bible. You don’t have to choose between complementarianism and egalitarianism in order to be saved, but you might want to find out where you stand as soon as possible.

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Does God Ask Us to See the Future? 

Live not by Lies not thru me

What is it that so many in America, and the world, fail to see?

The future.

Christians, real, true, traditional Christians are expected to see the future or at least listen to those who see it.

Do we heed the prophets or do we ignore their warnings as did the German Church in the 1930s?

Well, if you are merely one who dwells in Christiandom but are only a “professing christian” then you likely, like most progressive christians, do not take the Bible literally; you do not consider the Bible as inerrant and infallible and thus you have a problem understanding what you are seeing, which means America has a problem.

We have a problem because only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview (BWV) which means for 94%, their view of reality, past, present, and future is distorted. And worse yet, just slightly more than a third (37%) of American pastors have a biblical worldview. The majority—62%—embrace a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism.

When we don’t see the future from a Biblical Worldview [BWV] perspective, we fail to see that both our actions and inactions have consequences; just like the German Church eventually found out too late.

Part of our problem is the failure of so many to understand that inaction in times such as these is actually more damaging than the wrong actions.

It takes great courage to be a contrarian; to act or speak when the majority are not.

Sometimes it takes courage to remain silent but oftentimes it takes more courage to speak out when you know that what you are going to say is unpopular.

Find Your Voice: Have the courage to stand up to lies and speak truth.

Find the courage to share your thoughts not because you think it will change the minds of people who think differently than you but to show people who already think like you that they’re not alone and maybe inspire others to find theirs.

What are you willing to defend?

You either love truth or love lies – which are you?

Without the order of a Biblical Worldview, you get a future filled with chaos.


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1913 The Year the Cabal Enslaved America

The Cabal

Before 1913, things were different. Although there may not have been TVs, the Internet, or other forms of pervasive technology, there was one thing that individuals had back then: complete financial freedom. Few people had to worry about loans or debt back then since money was worth an astronomically higher value than it is now.

I like studying history, especially American history, and a long time ago, I noticed a pattern and connected many of the dots.

1913 appeared to be a pivotal year in America’s history, and it was NOT a positive turn.

I kept asking myself – why?  Why did all this occur in one year? What was the underlying cause? Is this when the deep state (aka Globalist cabal) actually started infiltrating America in our political system, media, church, and academia? I believe so.

  • 16th Amendment gave power to Congress to levy and collect income taxes
  • 17th Amendment changed Senators from being chosen by state legislatures. Now, instead of being beholden only to their respective states, Senators are now beholden to getting re-elected and every and any lobbyist.
  • December 23, 1913 almost essentially in the middle of the night, the Federal Reserve Act was passed in Congress on an oral vote that gave the Federal Reserve the LICENSE to print money. Our Constitution prohibits Congress from printing money BUT not from borrowing it from a private corporation. (BTW the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation; a Super-private corporation and has NEVER been audited)
  • From 1923-1929 the Federal Reserve printed so much money it caused 62 % inflation and then it suddenly stopped printing causing the crash of 1929. What they print is “legal tender” NOT lawful money.

But this “coup” to destroy America started long before 1913.

In 1836, Andrew Jackson did away with America’s Central Bank.

For the next 75 years, America had zero inflation and no erosion in our purchasing power.

An ounce of gold was worth $18.93 to $18.94 throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. Woodrow Wilson then reestablished the Central Bank (Federal Reserve Act); since then, our purchasing power of the dollar is less than 2% of what it was. In other words, $1 today buys what 1-2 cents bought in 1910.

As a critical thinker and a student of history, prophecy and worldviews, especially a Biblical Worldview, it is easier for me to understand what is happening than most but still, I was never able to put my thoughts into articulate words until I came across this recent article.


Right now, today, we are in the most dangerous war in America’s history; hell, in the world’s history. And yet, the majority of people don’t yet realize it.

We’ve had generations gaslit by academia, media, and the majority of the church into believing it is our duty to submit to authority, even if that authority has proven time and again to be a liar, murderer, and a thief.

If we lose this war, we traditional, born-again, true Christians better pray the rapture is real and that it is pre-tribulation.

We better also start working much, much harder at bringing the people we love to true, lasting salvation.


1st: Andrew Jackson fought against the Central Bankers and nearly paid the price with his life as he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

2nd: John F Kennedy also fought against the central bankers and DID pay with his life.

3rd: Donald Trump has been fighting against the central bankers since before he took office and look at the price he is paying.

Anyone who still believes the world is not in the grasp of the One World Order cult is either:

  1. The ignorant: This group is ignorant of the facts either out of willful denial or just doesn’t know how to discern the truth. These are the people who don’t know how to think critically, observe and recognize patterns and connect the dots.
  2.  The cowards or fearful: this group knows
    or at least suspects something is wrong but lacks the courage to resist or speak out. This group would rather just go along to get along.
  3. Actual part of the evil.
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I’m not convinced Unlimited Submission is a Biblical Worldview.

Tyranny Vs LibertyUnlimited Submission IS NOT Biblical

Christians should do all they can to submit to the government (Romans 13:1-7).

However, the government does not have unfettered authority to control our lives.

We all face gray areas as believers, yes. But adopting a secular worldview, in whole or in part, is not “loving your neighbor.” Living as a courageous Christian who stands for the truth and extends an arm of love to others while never sacrificing the principles of God’s Word is what it means to “love your neighbor.”

If, for example, we lived in China, and we were under the “one-child” policy, we would have grounds for not following this policy. This worldview is directly contrary to Scripture’s teaching on the goodness of a home full of children (see Psalm 127 and 139). In such an instance, love of neighbor actually means standing against “Caesar” with a posture of gracious and controlled defiance.

For Christians, love of neighbor DOES NOT MEAN obeying the commands of false worldviews (Matthew 22:34-39).

For Christians, love of neighbor DOES MEAN you do what God commands, not what the world demands, and from that God-obeying stance, reach out to others in grace and truth.

The Great Commission and the Cultural Commission are Inseparable

 The scriptural justification for culture building begins in Genesis (V 1:26-28)

For five days, God created the world/universe we live in, then on the sixth day, He created man in His image and gave him/(us) dominion over creation [Genesis 1:26].

He commands us to carry on where He left off – the development of His creation will be our responsibility and it will be to “fill” and “subdue” the earth and that can only include both social and cultural means as well. (Gen 1:28)

At this point creation (before the Fall) is still “very good”. God gives the responsibility of creating civilization to the one who bears His image. We must further populate the planet by producing offspring, and we must further shape the environment and the culture by taming it.

Since Adam and Eve, each generation still bear children, builds families, and spread across the earth. We still tend animals and plant fields; we still construct cities and governments; we still make music and art.

Maybe we have lost our influence over the culture because the church has focused solely on the Great Commission of saving souls and has neglected to save/build the culture as well.

Salvation doesn’t mean simply freedom from sin; salvation should also mean being restored to the task we were given at the beginning of time – the task of creating and maintaining culture.

Every part of creation came from God’s hand. Redemption does not appear to be just for individuals but for all creation (Col 1:15-20).

The teaching seems to be clear; Christians are saved not only from something (sin) but also to something (Christ’s lordship over ALL of life).

We are meant to proceed to the Restoration of all God’s creation, which includes private and public virtue; individual and family life; education and community; work, politics, and law; science and medicine; literature, art, and music.

The goal of Redemption includes the sacred as well as the secular. We are to bring “all things” under Christ’s lordship in the home, school, work, corporate board rooms, movie screen, concert stage, city council, and legislative chambers.

Politics, the law, and art [all forms of media] are all part of the Cultural Commission or Mandate.

This is why EVERY Christian must have a comprehensive worldview that covers all aspects of reality and only a Biblical Worldview gives us that.

A Biblical Worldview insists that God’s laws govern ALL of God’s creation.


Source for these thoughts:

How Now Shall We Live by Chuck Colson

Unlimited Submission? By Dan Fisher


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A Letter to my Kids…How to Achieve Heaven on Earth

Abstract peaceful background - planet Earth, bright sun shines, blue sky, eternity and heaven. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

A properly lived marriage will give you a taste of heaven on earth.

Your mom and I have been married for 37 years.

You’ve witnessed our relationship.
What do you think?
I would hope you want to have a relationship/marriage as we have enjoyed.
It wasn’t just all luck; although there may have been some Divine Intervention. :)

There are a lot of things parents hope and pray for their children to achieve.

Number One is that you make it to heaven to live eternally with Christ.
That takes care of your eternal life.

As your father and head of the family, (which is a Biblical Principle in and of itself) that has been my number one responsibility.

Everything else runs a distant second, but I want to tell you what it takes to
live a life that might seem like “heaven-on-earth”.
That requires you to follow the Bible and its Principles.

It isn’t difficult; in fact, that is the great thing about the Bible
– it was made for even the simple to understand.
(see Psalm 19:7; Psalm 119:130)

As with most things in this life, there is Good—then there is Better—and
then there is Best.

The Best is what I want for you.

Just like “It is better to have no friends than the wrong friends”;
It is better to have no spouse than the wrong spouse.

The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.   ~ Proverbs 12:26 (NIV)

1 Corinthians 7, Paul talks about marriage and being single.
Too many rush into a relationship.  Have faith; God will provide.

Genesis 2:18-24…God very clearly desired that man and woman should be together.

Having been raised in a Christian home by Christian parents, I pray that you either are now or will VERY soon, become a Christian.

The very first and foremost thing for a marriage to be the Best is that you marry another Christian.

 “Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives…
…God himself put it this way “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you…”
2 Corinthians 6:14 (The Message (MSG))

This is a Principle that works in all relationships.

Know the difference between Lust and Love.

“Lust is the desire to get something from someone else; Love is the desire to make life as desirable as possible for someone else.”

–          Practice Love the verb.

–          Do more than is expected

This is the Principle of Servitude Heart.

Be the kind of person you want in a spouse (friend).
Principle:  You Reap What You Sow.

“If you want to marry a Queen, you have to be a King.”    AND
If you want to marry a King, you have to be a Queen.”

You cannot expect to “Get” if you don’t “Give”.

There are many in today’s world who will scoff at these instructions.
It doesn’t matter – this is what will give you “Heaven on Earth.”

As with everything else I’ve shared with you, the choice is yours.
Here is what Proverbs has to say about finding and keeping the ‘Perfect’ wife;
My son, this is what you are looking for. My daughter, this is what you have to be.

Proverbs 31:10-31 

The Good Wife

10 It is hard to find an excellent wife.
    She is worth more than rubies.
11 Her husband trusts her completely.
    With her, he has everything he needs.
12 She does him good and not harm
    for as long as she lives.
13 She looks for wool and linen.
    She likes to work with her hands.
14 She is like a trader’s ship.
    She goes far to get food.
15 She gets up while it is still dark.
    She prepares food for her family.
    She also feeds her servant girls.
16 She looks at a field and buys it.
    With money she has earned, she plants a vineyard.
17 She does her work with energy.
    Her arms are strong.
18 She makes sure that what she makes is good.
    She works by her lamp late into the night.
19 She makes thread with her hands
    and weaves her own cloth.
20 She welcomes the poor.
    She helps the needy.
21 She does not worry about her family when it snows.
    They all have fine clothes to keep them warm.
22 She makes coverings for her bed.
    Her clothes are made of linen and other expensive material.
23 Her husband is recognized at the city meetings.
    He makes decisions as one of the leaders of the land.
24 She makes linen clothes and sells them.
    She provides belts to the merchants.
25 She is strong and is respected by the people.
    She looks forward to the future with joy.
26 She speaks wise words.
    And she teaches others to be kind.
27 She watches over her family.
    And she is always busy.
28 Her children bless her.
    Her husband also praises her.
29 He says, “There are many excellent wives,
    but you are better than all of them.”
30 Charm can fool you, and beauty can trick you.
    But a woman who respects the Lord should be praised.
31 Give her the reward she has earned.
    She should be openly praised for what she has done.


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