Why Are We Quiet?

In August 2015, George Barna released results from a survey that revealed why Conservatives do not speak up. It’s not so much because they are afraid of the political correctness of today’s progressive Marxists, and being called names like “bigot”, “intolerant” or “hateful”.

They are quiet because they don’t know what to say; they don’t know how to state their convictions in a Biblical way.

They lack a Biblical Worldview.

Just one year prior to this survey, Pew Research discovered that people want their pastors to speak up on social and political issues.

As one courageous old-time pastor once said “If we are not preaching the gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject us, then we are not preaching the true gospel.

Why are churches and their pastors themselves afraid to speak the full truth?

It all began July 2, 1954, when Lydon Baines Johnson [LBJ] became angry with two prominent Texas businessmen who opposed him in his reelection bid for the Senate. During the campaign, they accused him of being too soft on communism in America.

When a bill overhauling the tax code was going through the senate, LBJ added a few words to the proposal in what became known as the Johnson Amendment. It passed with no discussion and only a voice vote. [You see, lack of courage and corruption was already running rampant through the halls of congress].

The amendment effectively silenced and muzzled all pastors. Nearly all churches are classified as not-for-profit 501 [c](3) charitable organizations by the IRS.

The Johnson Amendment inadvertently made it illegal for a pastor to oppose a candidate from the pulpit.

First, Here’s an oddity: There are 29 different 501 [c] not-for-profit categories, but the only one suddenly silenced was the church!

Second: What does it mean to oppose or endorse a candidate?  That’s unclear. If a pastor says “vote to oppose abortion” and one candidate/party is pro-life and the other is pro-choice, did the pastor endorse a candidate?  The IRS cannot give a clear answer to this question.

Third: The First Amendment guarantees no governmental interference into the pulpit – NONE. The IRS has no authority to dictate what a pastor can and cannot preach from the pulpit, and they know it. At the urging of the Alliance Defending Freedom [ADF], more than 3,000 Christian pastors have intentionally violated this amendment since 2008 by endorsing or opposing a candidate/party from their pulpit and the IRS has not taken a single church to court.

Why Not you ask?

Probably because they do not want the Johnson Amendment to come under Constitutional scrutiny.

Once again, this is a clear example of how our churches/pastors have bought into and supported the lie. They have been more influenced by culture than they have influenced culture instead.

There are three major institutions of influence in America:

  • Public education
  • Media – News, art, literature, entertainment
  • The Church

Any ideology (worldview) that controls any of them controls any or all of them, controls its people by controlling the culture. Progressive Marxism controls education and the media nearly 100% and now a vast majority of our churches.

A silent pulpit produces an uninformed and politically illiterate electorate.

Before you offer up the tired old objection of “separation of church and state” – know this: There is no such clause in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

This is just another lie that has been taught for at least five generations and no one questions it’s validity

The phrase actually comes from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist of Connecticut on January 1, 1802, in which he used the phrase “wall of separation” to assure them that the federal government would never intrude into church life.

If we are going to make sense of our world, we must study worldviews.

[Source: Ch 1 Well Versed by Jim Garlow]

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How Much Has Living in Fear and Submission Cost Us?

Live Not by Lies Fact or Fake“If we are not preaching the gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it and us, then we are not preaching the true gospel.”

In 2020 it became painfully apparent we have very few pastors who were willing to be the watchman. Far too many are not only themselves living in fear and submission but preaching it in their words and their deeds.

What has this cost us?

Well, if the global progressive Marxists win the day, the church will be the first to feel their wrath.

All because too many in our church, especially our pastors, are influenced more by the culture than themselves have influenced the culture by teaching things like a Biblical Worldview and Politics according to the Bible.


Christians are born for combat, confrontation, and judgment and it’s part of why we are feared and persecuted. 

No totalitarian authority nor authoritarian state can tolerate those who have an absolute by which to judge that state and its actions.

And if there are no absolutes by which to judge society, the culture of society becomes THE absolute.

Christians, not the namby-pamby professing christians, but the Born Agains with a Biblical Worldview (BWV), have that absolute in God’s Word.

Because Christians have an absolute universal standard by which to judge not only personal morals but the state, we become enemies of the totalitarians in authority.  [Source: How Should We Then Live? By Francis Schaeffer]

A time of persecution and painful testing is coming. Lukewarm, shallow, professing christians – those who practice progressive theology, WILL NOT come through this with their faith intact. They may well be the ones Jesus is speaking of in Matthew 7:21-23.

If we Christians do not speak out against the tyrannical authoritarian government growing in our country called Progressive-leftism or Progressive Marxism, eventually our children will become enemies of society and the state.

Here is a sentence to memorize: To make no decision in regard to the growth of totalitarian government is already a decision.

In any atheistic political ideology like Marxism, socialism, communism and now the new progressive-leftism of the Democratic Party, the elite rule and the rule is based on arbitrary absolutes handed down by these atheistic elites.

Under this progressivism, the absolutes can change from day to day and because their power comes from the Mob Rule philosophy, and because this atheistic religious ideology controls the media, education, and most of the church, it’s easy to convince the naive public that the “mob” approves, thus they win.

Civil Disobedience by Martin Luther King

How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?

The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust.

One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust (personal note: and laws based on a lie, like the COVID shutdown laws) laws.

I would agree with St Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’

“Now, what is the difference between the two?… A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law of God. An unjust law is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it the terms of St Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and God’s natural law.”

Some have interpreted the following passages (Rom 13:1; Dan 2:21; Rom 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1Peter 2:13-14; 17) as an absolute grant of authority, meaning the government is to be obeyed at all times and in all circumstances. But the injunction to obey is conditioned on the assumption that the officials are carrying out the purposes of God. Thus, if rulers are acting contrary to God’s laws or His delegation of authority, if they are not acting as God’s servant, then Christians are not bound to obey them; in fact, we may be morally obligated to resist.

Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview don’t share our thoughts because we think it will change the minds of people who think differently than us. We share our thoughts to show people who already think like us that they’re not alone. We share so others might be encouraged to find their own Voice and consequently inspire others to find theirs.


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Live Not By Lies

Live Not by LiesNever Knowingly Support a Lie!

“The elites and elite institutions are abandoning classic liberalism for progressive Marxism that regards justice in terms of groups. It encourages people to identify with groups – ethnic, sexual, and otherwise – and to think of Good and Evil as a matter of power dynamics among the groups.

A utopian vision drives these progressives, one that compels them to seek to rewrite history and reinvent language to reflect their ideals of social justice.

Further, these utopian progressives are constantly changing language, standards of thought, speech, and behavior.

Under this Progressive/Marxist religious ideology, you can never be sure when those in power will come after you as the villain for having said or done something that was perfectly fine the day before.

“You will not be able to predict what will be held against you tomorrow. You have no idea what completely normal thing you do today, or say today, will be used against you to destroy you. This is what people in the Soviet Union saw. We know how it works.” – A Soviet-born émigré who teaches in a university deep in the US heartland. [Source: Live Not by Lies by Rod Dreher]

Because progressivism uses language that is soft and endearing, it catches those without a Biblical Worldview, unawares, and makes it hard for Americans schooled in Progressive/Marxism in the schools, churches, and media to recognize what is happening.

Most Americans born after the early 1960s have no idea that communism [aka Marxism, socialism, and now progressivism] is a militant atheistic ideology/religion and declares Christianity its mortal enemy.

In my estimation, 50-80% of Catholics and so-called evangelicals are at best “professing christians” and thus will be the ones most shocked when these progressives come after them – even though the vast majority voted for them.

There is an old Eastern European saying [from the communist days] that “You can vote yourself into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out.”

Progressives once in power will gut the Constitution starting either with the First Amendment or the Second.  If history is any indicator, my guess would be the Second Amendment. And besides, they have been using soft-totalitarianism to gut the First Amendment for the last 20 years.

If America does not get their spiritual lives in order, there is slim hope of resisting this soft-totalitarianism before it turns into hard-core totalitarianism.

In 2003, the Barna Research Group conducted a nationwide survey and determined that only 4 percent of Americans had a “biblical” worldview. When George Barna, who has researched cultural trends and the Christian Church since 1984, looked at the “born-again” believers in America, the results were a dismal 9 percent.

This calculates out to approximately 7.5M Americans are True, Real Christians who are Born Again AND have a Biblical Worldview.

On the eve of his forced exile from then Soviet Russia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn published a final message to his fellow Russians titled “Live Not by Lies”.

In this essay, he challenged the pessimistic claim that the totalitarian system was so powerful that the ordinary man or woman cannot change it.

Nonsense, he said. The foundation of Progressive/Marxist/Communist is an ideology made up of lies. The system depends on people’s fears of challenging these lies for its very existence. This is how so few elites, can control billions of people worldwide.

There are only three institutions of influence in America.

  • Education – specifically public education.
  • Media – news, entertainment industry, literature, and art
  • And finally – Churches.

Progressive Marxism controls the first two nearly completely and probably the majority of the churches.

Our duty as Born-Again Christians is to NEVER knowingly support lies.

We must be willing to live outside the mob, courageously defend truth, and be willing to endure the consequences.

We may have to live in this world of lies but we do not need to choose to allow the world to live in us.

You may not have the courage or strength to stand up in the public square and say what you truly believe, but you can at least refuse to affirm the lies through any form of acquiescence.

Sometimes being a dissident means speaking up and sometimes it may mean keeping silent when you aren’t expected to.

We need to Stand in Solidarity:
A time of persecution and painful testing is coming. Lukewarm, shallow, professing “christians” – those who practice progressive theology, WILL NOT come through this with their faith intact. They will be the ones Jesus is speaking of in Matthew 7:21-23.

It is time to start preparing for “living not by lies”.

  • When you can, stop giving your business to progressives.
  • Distance yourself from Big Brother/Big Tech surveillance
  • Find new ways to communicate with fellow Christians.
  • Join or form a small “underground” group to be your new “safe” community of like-minded people. While at the same time, keep your enemies close.

Can keeping silent be a lie?


When you hear or read something that is a lie, instead of setting the record straight you either say nothing (which is a way of agreeing) or you agree just to keep the peace, be faltering, or to be “kind”.

Never Knowingly Support a Lie.

It is better to be divided by Truth than united by lies.

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When your worldview is wrong, EVERY decision you make is wrong

what is your worldviewEveryone has a worldview; it helps us to form our thoughts, our values and make the decisions we make.

According to Barna Research, 83% of American adults claim to be Christian but upon further digging, George Barna discovered a disturbing reality: Only 8% of these “professing christians” have a Biblical Worldview and worse yet, and the real reason the church has lost its influence on the culture, only about half the Christian leaders have a Christian Biblical Worldview.

Listen, we need worship, prayer, fellowship, Bible study, and evangelizing, but if our clergy, our churches continue to ignore their responsibility to redeem the culture, Christianity will continue to be marginalized and eventually relegated to private small group (illegal) gatherings; not dissimilar to any other “progressive”, “communist”, “socialist”, “marxist” nation.

The churches biggest failure of the past 70 or so years has been the failure to see Christianity as a life system, or worldview, that governs every area of our lives.

Only when the Church realizes that the final hope of redeeming the culture is to recognize the battle now is principle against Principle, worldview against Worldview.

Only then can we effectively evangelize a culture that now lives by a lie.

Evangelizing the gospel and helping to renew the culture are both ordained duties of The Way – True Christianity.

Real, True Christianity offers the only strategy to live in harmony with our world.

Far too many of our clergy and the churches they lead have been more influenced by culture than their influencing the culture they and their flock live in.

This is why we are in the situation we currently find ourselves – a citizenry that has been influenced by Marxist Progressive Leftism.

This worldview of Satan controls completely, two of the three major institutions of influence – public education and media (news, entertainment, literature, music, etc.)

And, unfortunately, this satanic worldview now preaches from the pulpit of far too many of our churches as well. They preach what they call Progressive Theology.

How do you recognize if you belong to one of these churches?

In her book “Another Gospel?” Author Alisa Childers gives the following description of progressive churches:

“Progressive christians” tend to avoid absolutes.

They view the Bible as primarily a human book and emphasize conscience and practices rather than certainty and beliefs.

They also tend to redefine, reinterpret or even reject essential doctrines of faith like the Virgin Birth, the deity of Jesus, and His bodily resurrection.”

Warning Signs to Look for to determine if your church is a progressive theology church:

In addition to the watering down of the gospel and leaning into every social justice narrative like Racial Injustice & Black Lives Matter, Political correctness, Climate Change, Critical Theory, Illegal Immigration, etc., they also are:

– an open advocate of homosexuality and gay marriage.

– take a liberal stand on abortion

– allow for the ordination of both men and women, including non-celibate homosexuals

– do not teach that Scripture is inerrant

– teach that the Bible is not to be taken literally

If we are going to make sense of our world, we must study worldviews.

Only the Biblical Worldview gives us a way to understand both the physical and moral order of things.

Only a Biblical Worldview covers all areas of life and thought.

Only a Christian Biblical Worldview offers a way to live in alignment with the real world.


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See, Judge, Act: What it means to be a Christian Dissident


In today’s world, having a Biblical Worldview is a prerequisite to being a Christian Dissident.

To See means to be awake to the reality going on around you.

To Judge is a command to discern soberly the meaning of those realities in light of what you know to be true; seeing in light of a Biblical Worldview.

Then to Act after you’ve reached a conclusion; act to resist the evil.

Born Again Christians are called to Live Not By Lies, but to Live only in Truth. We must be willing to live outside the mob, courageously defend truth, and be willing to endure the consequences.

Our duty is to never knowingly support lies!!

(Things like The Dark Art of Framing of Fake News media outlets; wolves in sheep’s clothing in our churches that teach progressive christianity and worshiping the wrong Jesus; Marxism in our schools that erase history, teach “revised” history and squelches free speech by using semantics as a weapon of deception and political correctness to shame and falsify language; social justice of the gay mafia, the racist bigotry of organizations like BLM or any other social justice propaganda that denies biblical truth;  )

We may have to live in this world of lies but we do not need to choose to allow the world to live in us.

Sometimes being a dissident means speaking up and sometimes it may mean keeping silent when you aren’t expected to.

As Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview we are the only ones equipped to See the world as it really is; Judge the meaning of those realities in light of what we know to be true based on the perspective of a Biblical Worldview; and then after you’ve reached a conclusion, Act appropriately to resist the evil present.  (Source: Live Not by Lies by Rod Dreher)

Born Again Christians with a Biblical Worldview don’t share our thoughts because we think it will change the minds of people who think differently than us. We share our thoughts to show people who already think like us that they’re not alone. We share so others might be encouraged to find their own Voice and consequently inspire others to find theirs.



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Simplify: Dig your well before you’re thirsty.

dig your well before thirstySimplify

How would you benefit by knowing, with absolute clarity, who your ideal customers and/or employees are, where they are, how you can reach them and what you need to say to them that sets you apart from your competitors.

Think about this: What would it feel like to have all of these things?
• Less unanticipated problems which will mean less headaches and less stress
• Consistently improving results which will mean consistently improving income and cash flow
• Relationships of trust with every employee, vendor, customer and client.
• Customized Simple Solutions that work for you. Every business and owner is unique.
• Personal 1-on-1 mentoring where you can rely on someone with Competence and Character to help you to ask the right questions, come up with the right solutions, to help you anticipate problems before they happen.

What would your life be like a year from now if you were achieving one of the following:
1. The same results you are now getting but with less time, effort and/or money invested on your part.
2. Better results with the same amount of time, effort and/or money invested on your part.
3. Better results with less time, effort and/or money invested on your part
4. You might choose to spend more in time, effort and/or money and absolutely DOMINATE your competition.

 The best way to accomplish this is to simplify your business – the principle of simplicity or 80/20.

That is not a simple thing to do nor is it easy and almost impossible to do on your own.

If it were easy, everyone would do it and it’s almost impossible to do from the inside. By that I mean it is very difficult to recognize, diagnose and prescribe solutions for yourself.

Simplification always looks obvious after it’s done…but never before.

It’s almost impossible to re-invent from the inside out, because a fish in water can’t see the water for what it is.

Most (ailing) organizations are not suffering because they cannot resolve their problems but because they cannot see their problems.” – John Gardner

Here are 3 Essential Questions you need answers to when creating a Simple Solution:

  1. Since every business, it’s culture and owner is UNIQUE  you need to ask: How do we treat every problem, person or situation as UNIQUE? Solutions, whether created from scratch or swiped from a “Best Practice” approach, have to be made to Fit the Culture and Structure of each individual organization. Solutions need to be tailored to the uniqueness of the problem, people and situation.
  2. To create the desired solution, what forward-thinking, 3rd alternative and purposeful Information do we need in order to create a future living solution?
  3. How can we think Structurally about the Solution?  In other words, how can we make sure that the solution we come up with fits into the current structure of the business – uses the same language, fits the culture, people, systems, worldview, etc…

The attitude that leads to breakthroughs in your business is: You want to become an expert in the solution rather than the in the problem.

A good business coach or consultant will help you to dig your well before you’re thirsty.    

Contact us right now before the fear of disrupting the status quo sets in.

Let us be what your competitors can’t afford on their own – your virtual marketing department.

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Narrow Vs Broad Way

Narrow Vs Broad WayHave you noticed that it’s always the road less traveled, the Narrow Path (Matthew 7:14) that leads to life?

Everyone chooses a path in life – one is the well-traveled road of the mob which always leads to the ho-hum of mediocrity (and even meanness & tyranny) and the other leads to some form of greatness and meaning.

The path to greatness is a sequential growth from the Inside out.

The narrow way is where you find your true identity, your own “voice” of uniqueness and in doing so you inspire others to find their own “voice”.

Those who take the narrow path to greatness and meaning rise above the mob mentality and CHOOSE to become their own creative force in their lives.

Our power to discover our own Voice lies in the potential of the gifts God gave all of us at birth.  Our birth-Gifts.

We are all born in the image of God our Creator with the aspiration To Live, To Love, To Learn, and To Leave a Legacy

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost.

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Live Life in Crescendo

Live Life in Crescendo


I think if you were to talk to my grown children, the most reassuring thing my wife and I shared with them when they were young was “Today is the first day of the rest of your lives; today is a do-over.”

One of my favorite shows is Blue Blood with Tom Selleck. He gave similar advice to his children when things seemed tough, “It’s what you do next that matters.”

The most important work you will ever do is always ahead of you.

Crescendo is a musical term. It means to play with ever greater energy and volume, with strength and striving.

No matter your age or position in life, if you live according to the principles of a Biblical Worldview you are never finished contributing because your worldview will be accurate and complete.


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How do civil wars happen?

Tyranny Vs LibertyAn interesting read from an anonymous source about how a civil war looks in today’s America.

Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge.  That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results [like conservatives did with Obama], you have a country. When you stop accepting election results [like Leftists have with Trump], you have a countdown to a civil war.

The Mueller investigation was about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.

What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections.

 That’s a civil war.

There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.

This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement. You can hate the other party.  You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country.  But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship.

Your very own dictatorship.

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is it’s own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So, what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. The Democrat’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country.

If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. He’s a dictator.

But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has ‘discretion’ to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the ‘discretion’ to reverse him.  That’s how the game is played That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.

When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries.

The Constitution has something to say about that.

Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.

Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: The professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club. And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.

Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them.  They spy on them; they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.

That’s not a free country.

It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an ‘insurance policy’ against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win did.

Have no doubt, we’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government.


The Differences Between the Left and the Right:

The Conservative understands that the brokenness in the world starts with the brokenness in us.

The right believes it is our choices, not our circumstances that are the cause of all problems.

The left believes the brokenness is caused by our poverty, lack of education, or in other words – circumstances.

To be truly Conservative, the means are just as important as the end.

To the progressive liberal, the end justifies the mean.

The Republican Party is dominated by people who favor smaller government, lower taxes, strong defense, traditional moral standards regarding abortion and marriage, the promotion of a Constitutional Republic democracy, strong loyal nationalism and the promotion of a free market economy. These are consistent with biblical teachings on government and a biblical worldview.

By contrast, the Democratic Party has come to be dominated by people favoring larger government, one-world government by elitists, higher taxes, more reliance on negotiations rather than superior military force in defeating our enemies, opposition to biblical moral standards on abortion and homosexual “marriage” and promotion of a more Socialist leaning economy that is highly controlled by the government. These views are at odds with biblical teachings regarding government.

Why Christians are feared and persecuted:

No totalitarian authority nor authoritarian state can tolerate those who have an absolute by which to judge that state and its actions.

Christians, not the namby-pamby professing christians, but the Born Agains with a Biblical Worldview (BWV), have that absolute in God’s revelation.

Because Christians have an absolute universal standard by which to judge not only personal morals but the state, we become enemies of the totalitarians in authority.

Source: How Should We Then Live? By Francis Schaeffer

If we Christians do not speak out against the tyrannical authoritarian government growing in our country, eventually our children will become enemies of society and the state and the current civil war will destroy them.

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Cash is the Ultimate King


Successful businesses do two things #1 they make money and #2 they generate cash.

You can make a profit and still go out of business because you have a negative cash flow.

Remember this statement: Cash is King and in the context of the following discussion, this means positive cash flow – taking in more cash then you are spending.

Positive cash flow will keep the doors open, long after profitability will. [Amazon is a good example – 20 years of no profit???]

Making money is about your profitability and cash is about the wealth-generation of your business.

You can’t spend profit; you can only spend cash.

Positive cash flow gives you the financial cushion – and confidence – to implement changes AND make your BIZ more attractive to future potential buyers because they won’t have to commit funds to working capital.

Let’s define cash flow before we discuss how to improve it.

Cash Flow is the total amount of money coming in & going out of your business.

We know that the majority of small businesses fail within the first five years. U.S. Bank conducted a study and discovered the following reasons for this. They found that 82% of the time, poor cash flow management or poor understanding of cash flow contributes to the failure of a small business. (from Jessie Hagen of U.S. Bank, cited on the SCORE/Counselors to America’s Small Business website http://www.score.org )

  • 82% – Poor cash flow management skills/poor understanding of cash flow
  • 79% – Starting out with too little working capital [cash or line-of-credit]
  • 78% – Lack of well-developed business plan, including insufficient research on the business before starting it
  • 77% – Not pricing properly or failure to include all necessary items when setting prices
  • 73% – Being overly optimistic about achievable sales, money required, and about what needs to be done to be successful
  • 70% – Not recognizing or ignoring what they don’t do well and not seeking help from those who do

How do you know if you have a cash flow problem?

To state the obvious: You know you have a cash flow problem If your expenses exceed your cash…then you have a cash flow problem.

If you take in $400 today and spend $500 you have a cash flow of $900 but a negative cash flow of $100

Too many small BIZ owners think that the answer to cash flow problems is to sell more and increase revenue and far too often that only exacerbates the problem.

When you chase growth based on Revenue too often it causes you to make bad decisions because you are operating from the notion that everyone is your market and every product or service you sell and inventory should be sold – there is nothing further from the truth.

When revenue is your end-game and everyone or everything -is your-market is your mind-set, you spend money foolishly on things that don’t matter for customers that don’t matter.

When you take an 80/20 view to cash-is-king, you will discover that you have expenses and inventory for the 80% that are generating little to no profit.

There are several factors to consider before leaping to the “sell, sell, sell!” mindset to reverse a cash flow problem.

  1. Track & Categorize your spending. Make this categorization your first step. You need to know exactly what you’re spending and where you’re spending it.


  1. Benchmark Best Practices. You need to know how other businesses within your industry and market are spending their money and use those benchmarks to spend similarly. You don’t want to spend more cash than you have, so regardless of the benchmarks you’ve discovered from other companies, adjust accordingly depending on your available cash.


  1. Manage Your Spending. “It takes money to make money,” is a common belief and can cause business owners to fall prey to overspending, especially in the early stages of their business. While it’s true it does take money to make money, not all expenses are created equal. Stay aware that every dollar you spend is subtracting from your profit margin, so be especially diligent during the early stages of your business, it is important to consider the cost Vs benefit of every single expense.


10 Ways to Improve Cash Flow

  1. Reduce your Delivery & Invoicing Turnaround Time

Once you sell something, expedite the turn-around time for delivery & invoicing. The faster the delivery & invoicing, the faster you will receive your cash.

Amazon is a great example of perfecting the Cash-Is-King model. Not only does faster delivery ensure a delightful customer experience but also improves their cash flow.

  1. Improve Your Inventory Model – stock & sell only what your TOP clients [the 20%] are buying 

Inventory only what your TOP clients buy and turns quickly.

Think of it this way – and keep in mind, this is an extremely abbreviated way to explain this principle. In real life, you may experiment and track over a bit longer period of time, but this will give you the gist of the principle:

You own a bunch of soda vending machines with 10 rows of different flavors in each row and you fill them every week.

At the end of week one, rows 1 & 2 are completely sold out. Rows 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 are partially full and rows 9 and 10 are still full – they had no sales.

Replace rows 9 & 10 with one of the flavors in rows 1 and 2.

The next week you discover rows 1, 2, 9 & 10 are now also completely sold out.

You continue with this tracking and sequence until all the rows sell out completely every week.

It will mean you may only be selling 2 or at most 3 flavors, but think about the positive effect on your profit and cash flow.


  1. Have a CYA Cash Reserve

You should maintain some cash reserves to tackle business downturns like economic depression, sudden fall in sales or natural calamity (like the current COVID-19] etc.

As a thumb rule, you should never have less than 90 days cash reserve and as you build your BIZ, shoot for 10-12 months.

Example: If your business’s monthly operational expense equals $10,000 then you should go for a CYA cash reserve of $30,000 as a minimum and $100,000 to $120,000 optimally.


  1. Tweak the Payment Process

Instead of collecting the sale amount after delivery, can you make the customer pay in advance. One way might be to simply offer them an attractive discount for pre-payment.

The earlier the payment, the stronger will be the cash flow.


  1. Negotiate for More Favorable Credit Terms

Ask for longer payment and terms (example: lower interest rate, extend out payment times, etc) on your payables (those you owe money to) and shorter terms on your receivables (those who owe you money).

Implementing Win-Win negotiation skills become crucial in this strategy.


  1. Stay on Top of Receivables – know what the probability of non-collection rate is for your business or industry.

As receivables age, the probability of collection diminishes.

There comes a point where, for cash flow forecasting purposes, you should no longer consider a receivable as collectible. For my dealership that was 120 days.

Here’s an example from a local small business:

Someone in your organization needs to be responsible for and held accountable for consistent follow-up with your customers to help in faster payment of receivables.

You can use multiple communication channels like phone, email or post.

Remember that you need to follow up regularly & frequently. 

For smooth execution of this strategy, I recommend using a spreadsheet for tracking the due dates, payment date, 1st follow-up date, 2nd follow-up date & so on.

Also, the follow-up personnel needs to be in direct contact with the owner for daily or at a minimum, weekly updating of this sheet – I call it the Cash-Is-King meeting.

  1. Consider Leasing of Assets

Leasing requires little to cash up front and means taking possession of an asset in return for periodic installments. This ensures that there is no immediate cash outflow burden.

You can lease things like:

  • Real Estate – Office, warehouse, plant
  • Production machinery
  • Computers
  • IT Equipment
  • Autos

You will need to factor the cost difference (outright purchase is generally cheaper in long-term) before committing to improve cash flow via this strategy.

  1. Take on Only Expenses that Generate Revenue

Most businesses or startups get carried away with unnecessary expenses like:

Fancy/prestigious office space or office furniture

Over-marketing: Marketing to an audience that doesn’t care. Implement 80/20 Sales & Marketing.

Over-Marketing example: Marketing to an audience that doesn’t care. A restaurant where 80% of their customers come from within a ten-mile radius but they advertise on regional tv or radio stations with a 100 mile radius.

Over-hiring: If you have to let someone go or they quit, before re-hiring, ask:

  • Are there parts of the job that someone else on our current team would like to do?
  • Do we even need to hire for this position? Is there anyone or a team of people already with us that could do this job?

How do you know if an expense is really worth it? Simple. If the expense helps your business to generate revenue keep it; If it doesn’t, consider getting rid of it.

Maintaining control of your expenses is critical to not only sustaining profit but also positive cash flow.

When you take an 80/20 view to cash-is-king, you will discover that you have expenses and inventory for the 80% that are generating little to no profit.

 Track & Categorize your Expenses.  You need to know exactly what you’re spending and where you’re spending it.

For each expense ask the following questions:

  • Does my business absolutely need this product or service?
  • If the answer to question 1 is NO, then eliminate it.
  • If the answer to question 1 is YES, then ask:
  1. Do I currently have the least expensive plan, delivery system or item that covers my current needs? If the answer is “no” then change your plan, item or delivery system. (For example, instead of paying an assistant to schedule your appointment, you might use an online scheduling program).
  2. Can I renegotiate my contract? This is always worth trying.
  3. Is there another, less expensive provider that can give me the same result? If so, then switch.
  1. Increase Income Through 80/20 Marketing & Selling Tactics
  • Determine who your Ideal Top Customers are – the 20% that generate 80% of your revenue, profits & cash flow.
    • Fire the deadwood
  • Identify your Unique Offering
  • Create your one-line Unique Selling Message which answers these questions:
    • What does your product or service do that your competitors does not?
    • Why should I buy from you instead of someone else?
    • What guarantee can you make that no one else can?
  • Nurture and protect your Ideal Top Customers
    • Do you have an email list? Are you using effectively? Are you sending out emails at least weekly with offers?
  • Build a referral system from your Ideal Top Customers
  1. Bring in a Guide

Last but not the least, you may deem it prudent to hire a guide to help implement Cash-Is-King strategies and tactics.

It could be a CPA or some other type of Guide. [Is this where we might collaborate w/Tony Busch?]

Such professionals can help you to understand your cash flow problems in more detail, and guide you through implementing solutions.


So, we have covered possible practical ways to improve your cash flow, prune expenses and prune inventory. All are equally important & powerful.

You may decide to use or not to use any one of them depending on your particular case.

No matter what business problems you face, positive cash flow gives you the financial cushion, the time and confidence to implement changes for growth.

Without cash, you are down & out.

And as I stated earlier,

Never forget this: Cash is the Ultimate King. The more cash you have, the better chance for your business to grow fast and sustainably.



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