A Biblical perspective on Legal vs illegal immigration

Many of the differences we see today between the radical Progressive-left mentality and the Christian conservative mentality come down to common (maybe we should call it rare) sense born of irrational vs rational thought.

The immigration debate is one such instance.

Every democrat/progressive I attempt to have a conversation with regarding this issue seems to be getting their talking points directly from MSM (aka as the Democratic propaganda networks)

“ger” vs “nokiry”

An immigrant in the Bible is a person who moves to another country with the intent of living there indefinitely.

Most Bible translations do not use the word “immigrant” but typically use “stranger”, “foreigner”, “alien”, or “sojourner”.

The Bible was originally written using 11,280 Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek words, but the typical English translations use only about 6,000 words. Obviously, nuances and shades of meaning can be missed. That is why it is important to not only read different translations & interpretations but also go back to the original language.

There were two different Hebrew words used for immigrant. “Ger” was used in Leviticus 24:22 (NIV) for  ”alien” while “nokiry” is used in Deuteronomy 15:3 for “foreigner”.

When you read all the Biblical passages you will see that the  “ger” was held to different standards than the “nokiry”. It appears very apparent that God’s laws did not mandate a “citizen-of-the-world” philosophy that treated citizens (legal) and non-citizens (illegal) with equal status.

“Ger” is like an invited guest; like someone who comes to contribute.

Analogy: A stranger comes knocking on my door asking for help so I invite him into my home.


I come home and find my front door kicked in and a stranger (“nokiry”) standing in my kitchen demanding my help.

“ger” contributes, asks humbly and is thankful.

“nokiry” takes and is demanding and ungrateful.

Humanity is seen by three different worldviews:

  1. Some see man as inherently good and any problems are simply caused by lack of man-made solutions – Lack of money or lack of education.   This is the doctrine of liberalism and the Democratic Party.  “The modern liberal believes man is born morally good and only turns evil because of their environment and/or circumstances.” 
  2. Some see man as inherently evil and of little intrinsic value, thus they need to be controlled by any means possible. Need to be controlled by dictators  or tyrants. [ironically, the controllers are equally evil]. This is the doctrine of countries like China, Russia, N Korea, Venezuela – communist, socialist, marxist countries.
  3. Then there is the Christian [Biblical]  Conservative worldview; man was originally created good, in the image of God, but then sin infected the human race. Thus humans have great capability for evil, but Jesus entered the world to take sin upon himself for His chosen ones; those who repent and the Holy Spirit empowers to live in righteousness.  In other words, man is born morally corrupt and only by seeking God can we have any hope of achieving moral goodness.

No issue has a greater influence on determining your social or political views than whether you view human nature as basically good or not. If you believe people are born good, you will attribute evil to forces outside the individual.” – Dennis Prager

This is why liberal politicians and their adherents believe in gun control, welfare, free housing and that Islamists destroy themselves and others because of external issues such as poverty or more ludicrously, lack of kindness shown them.

This is why having a Biblical Worldview is so critical.

If you do not recognize evil, judge it or confront it, you will be incapable of fighting it.


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1913 The Year the Cabal Enslaved America

The Cabal

Before 1913, things were different. Although there may not have been TVs, the Internet, or other forms of pervasive technology, there was one thing that individuals had back then: complete financial freedom. Few people had to worry about loans or debt back then since money was worth an astronomically higher value than it is now.

I like studying history, especially American history, and a long time ago, I noticed a pattern and connected many of the dots.

1913 appeared to be a pivotal year in America’s history, and it was NOT a positive turn.

I kept asking myself – why?  Why did all this occur in one year? What was the underlying cause? Is this when the deep state (aka Globalist cabal) actually started infiltrating America in our political system, media, church, and academia? I believe so.

  • 16th Amendment gave power to Congress to levy and collect income taxes
  • 17th Amendment changed Senators from being chosen by state legislatures. Now, instead of being beholden only to their respective states, Senators are now beholden to getting re-elected and every and any lobbyist.
  • December 23, 1913 almost essentially in the middle of the night, the Federal Reserve Act was passed in Congress on an oral vote that gave the Federal Reserve the LICENSE to print money. Our Constitution prohibits Congress from printing money BUT not from borrowing it from a private corporation. (BTW the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation; a Super-private corporation and has NEVER been audited)
  • From 1923-1929 the Federal Reserve printed so much money it caused 62 % inflation and then it suddenly stopped printing causing the crash of 1929. What they print is “legal tender” NOT lawful money.

But this “coup” to destroy America started long before 1913.

In 1836, Andrew Jackson did away with America’s Central Bank.

For the next 75 years, America had zero inflation and no erosion in our purchasing power.

An ounce of gold was worth $18.93 to $18.94 throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. Woodrow Wilson then reestablished the Central Bank (Federal Reserve Act); since then, our purchasing power of the dollar is less than 2% of what it was. In other words, $1 today buys what 1-2 cents bought in 1910.

As a critical thinker and a student of history, prophecy and worldviews, especially a Biblical Worldview, it is easier for me to understand what is happening than most but still, I was never able to put my thoughts into articulate words until I came across this recent article.


Right now, today, we are in the most dangerous war in America’s history; hell, in the world’s history. And yet, the majority of people don’t yet realize it.

We’ve had generations gaslit by academia, media, and the majority of the church into believing it is our duty to submit to authority, even if that authority has proven time and again to be a liar, murderer, and a thief.

If we lose this war, we traditional, born-again, true Christians better pray the rapture is real and that it is pre-tribulation.

We better also start working much, much harder at bringing the people we love to true, lasting salvation.


1st: Andrew Jackson fought against the Central Bankers and nearly paid the price with his life as he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

2nd: John F Kennedy also fought against the central bankers and DID pay with his life.

3rd: Donald Trump has been fighting against the central bankers since before he took office and look at the price he is paying.

Anyone who still believes the world is not in the grasp of the One World Order cult is either:

  1. The ignorant: This group is ignorant of the facts either out of willful denial or just doesn’t know how to discern the truth. These are the people who don’t know how to think critically, observe and recognize patterns and connect the dots.
  2.  The cowards or fearful: this group knows
    or at least suspects something is wrong but lacks the courage to resist or speak out. This group would rather just go along to get along.
  3. Actual part of the evil.
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